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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Red Badge Of Courage
Title:US CA: Red Badge Of Courage
Published On:2005-10-28
Source:Redlands Daily Facts (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 09:48:05

REDLANDS Ian Atkinson had to be one of the proudest fifth-graders this morning.

His uncle, George Karcher, a deputy sheriff with the San Bernardino County
Fire Department, landed an MD500 helicopter on the field of Mentone
Elementary School as part of an assembly this morning to conclude Red
Ribbon Week.

Ian's mom, Christine Karcher, helped arrange for the visit, and accompanied
Ian at the assembly, during which Principal Jim O'Neill warned his students
about the dangers of "the great destroyer."

He made them cross their hearts and pledge not to do drugs.

"There is no reason to destroy your smile, to destroy your family; no
reason to destroy your life, your country just because you wanted to try
drugs," O'Neill said. "I beg you to not make that first bad choice."

Capt. Will Jennings, of San Bernardino County Fire Station 9, which is next
door to the school, came over to make a statement to the students.

"We often have to go help people who are sick from doing drugs," Jennings
said. "You must never, ever try them once. We go out and see people every
day who are sick. Once you do drugs, you can't ever be something you may
have always wanted to be a policeman, a fireman, or something else."

George Karcher described what his helicopter can do. The chopper's stats
elicited "oohs" and "aahs" from the students.

"We use this for patrolling," he said. "It's got a 30 million candlepower
spotlight, an infrared locator, and it goes 170 m.p.h. There are very few
crooks who can get away from us they have to be driving a Maserati or
something. We also look for lost kids. We'll fly over and turn on the PA
system. Ninety-nine percent of the time they are at a friend's house
playing X-box. Usually they hear their name and run home crying, but at
least they're safe."

Students got to walk by and check out the helicopter, while representatives
from Fire Station 9 handed out pins stamped with the theme "Red Badge of
Courage" that were made by the school.

The Red Ribbon Week message was clear for second-grader Lizeth Castro, who
echoed what she heard: "No drugs, because you might get sick."

Fifth-grader Elizabeth Garcia commented, "Most people say yes when people
ask if they want to do drugs. If you do it, you can't stop."

"You shouldn't do drugs because it could ruin your health: you could get
addicted to it and it's hard to stop," said fifth-grader Andrea Paar.

"Red Ribbon Week encourages me not to do drugs not specifically this week,
but every day," said fifth-grader Skyler East.
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