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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AL: Editorial: Community Corrections An Investment In Future
Title:US AL: Editorial: Community Corrections An Investment In Future
Published On:2005-11-02
Source:Decatur Daily (AL)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 09:42:40

Alabama does not have a prison problem. It has a crime problem.

Rather than building more and bigger prisons -- or spending money to
study the state's prison-crowding situation one more time -- Alabama
should revamp its sentencing guidelines to get non-violent offenders
treatment and rehabilitation.

A report released Monday points out that drug-related offenses made
up 31 percent of state prison admissions in 2004 -- nearly twice the
number of robbery, murder, rape and manslaughter entries combined,
according to figures supplied by the Alabama Sentencing Commission.

Between 1999 and 2004, prison admissions for drug and alcohol
offenses increased by 21 percent, while admissions for crimes against
persons fell 14 percent.

Alabama lawmakers will consider a series of sentencing reform bills
when the 2006 regular session convenes.

Gov. Bob Riley's task force on prison overcrowding has recommended
reducing the prison population by alternative means of punishment,
including transition centers, community corrections and
drug-treatment programs.

Lawmakers would be wise to heed those recommendations.

We certainly don't advocate the legalization of marijuana, as
announced gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall has proposed. But
community drug-treatment and rehabilitation programs make more sense
than assigning pot possessors to prison beds.

Drug-treatment programs are expensive. But incarceration costs more
in the long run.

Nor do community corrections programs work 100 percent of the time.
Some who complete rehabilitation programs eventually return to
illegal drug use. Often, addicts return to treatment several times
before successfully kicking their habits.

Rehabilitation must be a goal of any criminal justice program.
Locking up non-violent drug offenders together and with other
criminals has proven ineffective in reducing recidivism.

Why change? The most compelling reason is that what the state has
done historically hasn't worked. Our prisons keep overflowing.
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