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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OK: Edu: Column: Evidence Reveals Genuine Health Potential
Title:US OK: Edu: Column: Evidence Reveals Genuine Health Potential
Published On:2005-11-03
Source:Daily O'Collegian (OK State U, OK Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 09:25:23

Recent research and public opinion make a strong case for the
legalization of medicinal and recreational hemp, or marijuana.

Denver residents voted 54 percent in favor of an ordinance
decriminalizing city hemp laws, letting citizens possess up to one
ounce, according to The Associated Press.

This is the latest in a hard-fought battle for changes in federal hemp
policy, particularly the Angel Raich case over medical marijuana. Her
case went to the Supreme Court in June, back-firing, with the high
court saying local and state laws do not trump federal laws.

Denver residents did not negate state and federal laws by passing the
city ordinance.

Recreational support relies on public opinion, but medicinal support
weighs heavy on scientific analysis. Medical studies conducted in
Canada by the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Calgary
build a case for legalizing both forms of usage.

The SU study states, "a synthetic cannabinoid -- similar to the
compounds found in marijuana, but substantially stronger -- causes the
growth of new neurons and reduces anxiety and depression," according
to http://www.medpagetoday.com.

The same report said researchers at the University of Colorado
manipulated the cannabinoid receptors in the brains of ferrets, hoping
to one day manipulate the receptors in humans to treat HIV/ AIDS
patients, treat morning sickness and manage pain in other ways.

In other words, the two studies re-affirm what a hemp advocate said
when Denver residents approved their hemp-friendly ordinance.

"We educated voters about the facts that marijuana is less harmful to
the user and society than alcohol," said Mason Tvert, campaign
organizer for Safer Alternatives for Enjoyable Recreation, according
to the AP.

Researchers at SU said something similar.

"Most so-called drugs of abuse -- such as alcohol or cocaine --
inhibit the growth of new neurons, said Dr. Xia Zhang," according to
the MedPage Today Web site.

"Only marijuana promotes 'neurogenesis,'" he said.

This growth of new neurons occurs when high doses of a synthetic
compound similar to tetra-hydro-cannabinol were administered to lab
rats. THC is the chemical in hemp linked to creating the high when
used recreationally.

Recapping the issue -- a drug that we know relieves pain for HIV/AIDS
patients, reduces anxiety and depression in the average adult, is
safer than alcohol in recreational usage and most recently creates a
phenomenon called "neurogenesis" is illegal.

Many pro-legalization activists point fingers at the corporate private
sector, including the pharmaceutical, tobacco and alcohol
industries--each estimated to be worth billions.

Does the private sector have too much influence on government

Hemp is the cornerstone of the war on drugs, which has failed reducing
crime and the number of drug users in prison, yet perpetuates
propaganda campaigns and drug treatment programs used by law
enforcement such as the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program.

Prisons are not the answer. Neither is government ignorance. But they
are not the only culprit.

They play off the misinformed public, who knows little about how
criminalizing certain substances is preventing society from providing
adequate solutions to serious problems.

By pushing certain substances into the black market, more criminals
are created. These new criminals make larger problems, such as violent
gang presence and the destruction of communities in urban areas.

Law enforcement and government say the solution is to increase taxes,
the police presence and build more prisons.

Independent studies prove drug treatment facilities, not prisons, heal
people's addictions.

Expecting law enforcement to eliminate drugs on the black market
requires police to spend more time searching for drug offenders,
rather than terrorists, rapists, murderers and other criminals who
pose a greater threat to the sanctity of life.

It's time we did our part to inform others how the current solutions
are not the best.
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