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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: South Elementary Continues Anti-Drug Tradition
Title:US MA: South Elementary Continues Anti-Drug Tradition
Published On:2005-11-03
Source:Country Gazette (Milford, MA)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 09:20:39

BELLINGHAM - It's not reading, writing and 'rithmatic, but the lessons
provided to kids at South Elementary during the last week of October
that could be among the most valuable they'll ever learn.

Last Friday marked the end of "Red Ribbon Week," a national campaign
aimed at reaching kids in several classes - music, Spanish,
health/physical education, and library - with drug prevention messages
and activities.

Of Bellingham's three elementary schools, South Elementary is the only
one that observed Red Ribbon Week, a campaign that began nationwide 20
years ago, after Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, a Drug Enforcement
Administration agent, was murdered in Mexico.

Throughout the week in music class at South Elementary, students
rehearsed songs with titles such as "Drug Free Me," and "Too Smart to
Start," in preparation for a schoolwide performance.

On Tuesday, after stormy weather knocked the lights out in the gym
momentarily, Jean Woodford, a physical education teacher, sat in a
circle with kids in the hallway and started an impromptu talk on what
they can do to stay drug-free. From the mouths of several
first-graders came accounts of parents or family members who smoked,
some of whom do so inside the home. "You need to ask them politely to
do that outside," said Woodford.

She said she was not concerned about criticism from parents for doling
out such candid advice.

"I'm not bashful," Woodford said.

In a session with Rosemarie Charland, the school librarian, kids wore
bright-colored wristbands and were given bookmarks to keep, each
bearing the message from a muscle-bound cartoon tiger: "I have the
power to be DRUG-FREE!"

Asked what he learned from an anti-smoking video featuring puppet
characters, Wesley Antonucci, 6, said, "You should always say no to

Even at their age, the students appeared to know the difference
between harmful and helpful drugs.

"Medicine is OK to take if you're sick," said Gabrielle Geronini,
Wesley's classmate.

"I've been here for 10 years, and I just really believe that when it
comes to preventing drug abuse it's better to start that effort at an
early age, even in kindergarten," said Mary Ann Teper, school
psychologist at South Elementary. Studies appear to confirm Teper's
philosophy, which is shared by Joan Peluso, the secretary at South who
is co-coordinator of Red Ribbon Week at the school.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "more
than 40 percent of individuals who start drinking before the age of 15
will develop alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence at some point in
their lives."

With many teen smokers reporting they took their first drag from a
cigarette in fifth or sixth grade, talking to kids by the time they
reach that age about smoking might prove to be too late, according to
the Centers for Disease Control.

"Teens who smoke are three times more likely than nonsmokers to use
alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and 22 times more
likely to use cocaine, (and) the younger people start smoking
cigarettes, the more likely they are to become strongly addicted to
nicotine," according to the CDC. "Smoking is associated with a host of
other risky behaviors, such as fighting and engaging in unprotected

While such statistics may be sobering for parents, Teper said it's
important not to use the information to frighten kids.

"The hard part about teaching this subject matter to younger people,
is that we don't want to scare them," said Teper. "So we stress what
they need to do to stay healthy." Teper and Peluso's dedication to the
program has been rewarded with consistent financial support for Red
Ribbon Week from the South Elementary Parent-Teacher

For kids as young as 7-year-old Harmony Dupre, the school's approach
during the week-long campaign seems to be working.

In a matter-of-fact tone, she said, "If I see a cigarette, I don't
touch it."
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