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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Marijuana World
Title:US: Marijuana World
Published On:2005-11-17
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 08:21:18

A Look at Pot: Its Users, Its Trade, Its Cultivation, the Research
And the Anti-Prohibition Movement

Marijuana. Cannabis. Grass. Pot. Smoke. Dank. Herb. Ganja. Dope. Hemp.

It's the plant with a hundred names, including simply "weed," which
is what it grows like. It's been grown for fiber and medicine and fun
for thousands of years. In the United States, it currently has its
own subculture and economy, and even its own decades-long guerilla
war--the War on Drugs--plus a multi-faceted and increasingly visible
anti-war movement.

And it's here, in Tucson. Boy, is it here.

The Users

Those of us who aren't citizens of the underground world usually only
think about the plant when the local TV stations run footage of
gargantuan busts in the foothills or newly discovered tunnels in
Nogales. For the members of the local chapter of the National
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, though, the plant and
its prohibition are always on their minds. The medical users among
them are caught between a rock and hard place: pain and debility on
one side, the threat of arrest and imprisonment on the other. They
risk losing their property and going to jail for a plant.

(Note: Everyone referred to in this story by a first name only is
anonymous for reasons of safety. These are not their real given names.)

Meet some of the dangerous scoff-laws who gather in the Hotel
Congress lobby on the first Saturday of every month:

. Anne is obviously frail. She has several ruptured disks, and
suffers from sciatica and fibromyalgia, among other things. Her many
meds make her so nauseated that she needs marijuana to keep food down.

. Matthew has Behcet's syndrome, a rare autoimmune disorder that
causes severe joint pain. He was diagnosed at 18 and is now 33. His
face is pasty white and he moves slowly. He takes powerful
immunosuppressive drugs for the disease and morphine for the pain,
but the narcotic isn't enough. Marijuana takes the edge off enough so
that he can get around.

. Elizabeth, a good-humored, middle-aged woman who walks with a cane,
has leukemia, which is just the latest in a long run of severe health
problems. A friend drove her to the meeting.

. Sam, who also uses a cane, has arachnoiditis, an inflammation of
the lining of the spinal cord that causes shooting, burning pain and
crippling muscle spasms. It's another one of those diseases you wish
you had never heard of. Arachnoiditis can be caused by spinal injury
and infection, but is often iatrogenic--that is, caused by medical
procedures. Spinal taps, epidurals and myelograms (diagnostic X-rays
in which dye is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid) can trigger
the condition. Sam has had two serious back injuries, surgery on his
lumbar spine and seven myelograms. Before his former landlord's
handyman handed him a joint while he lay incapacitated by muscle
spasms, his doctor tried him on Vioxx, Oxycontin, Flexeril, morphine
and muscle relaxants. He couldn't tolerate some of the drugs; others
made him too hazy to function. (Sam's wife is neurologically
disabled, and they have three children at home. All are honor-roll
students, and he eagerly shows their pictures.) He was up and out of
pain within 15 minutes of smoking that first joint.

"The guy was Cajun," Sam says about his landlord's handyman, "and
where he came from, they used the plant as medicine. When he saw the
shape I was in, he said, 'Hang on, I've got something that will
help,' and it did."

There is no cure for arachnoiditis. Sam's condition is gradually
worsening, and he now goes through up to a half-pound of Mexican
brick--low-grade, tightly packed Mexican marijuana--per month.

. Mary Mackenzie Crow is the local NORML representative. When she's
not cleaning houses for a living, she's volunteering for the cause
and traveling to conferences and demonstrations around the country.
She became radicalized in the '90s when her then-husband was arrested
for transporting marijuana in Missouri and went to prison. She says
that marijuana has been of great benefit to her personally--it helped
her stop drinking and smoking tobacco.

Crow is an outspoken proponent of individual rights, and makes sure
that everyone she works for and comes in contact with knows what she
does and what she believes.

"What right does the government have to tell me, an adult, what I can
or cannot use to heal my body?" she asks.

All of these people are criminals: They use marijuana. To enter into
the world of the medical marijuana user is to wander into a legal
landscape so irrational as to be perverse.


. Voters in Arizona overwhelmingly approved ballot initiatives in
1996 and 1998 that would have allowed the use of marijuana when
prescribed by a doctor. (Another, flawed initiative failed in 2000.)
In 2002, a poll commissioned by the Marijuana Policy Project found
that 72 percent of Arizona adults supported an initiative "that would
remove the threat of arrest and all other penalties for seriously ill
patients" who use marijuana with the approval of their physicians.
(This finding was consistent with voter opinion across the United States.)

. It is still illegal for Arizonans to use marijuana medically, in
part because of the actions of the Arizona Legislature, and in part
because it is a federal crime for a physician to prescribe a Drug
Enforcement Agency Schedule 1 substance--a substance defined by the
government as having "no medical use" and "a high potential for abuse."

. Marijuana is Schedule 1, although tradition, research and the
experience of patients and their families have shown it to be both
nonaddictive and useful for the control of chemotherapy-induced
nausea, spasticity, tremor, pain and wasting, plus some other
symptoms of serious diseases and their treatments. As Phoenix surgeon
and legalization activist Jeffrey Singer told The Arizona Republic
last summer, the use of marijuana for patients with such symptoms "is
not really controversial among doctors; it's controversial among politicians."

. Other DEA Schedule 1 drugs include heroin, psilocybin, LSD and
ecstasy. Cocaine, methamphetamine, opium and PCP, on the other hand,
are Schedule 2, and therefore less tightly controlled, and the
penalties for illegal possession and trafficking in them are less
severe than for marijuana. In 1988, the DEA's own administrative law
judge proposed moving marijuana into Schedule 2 because "marijuana is
one of the safest therapeutically active drugs known to man." (The
compounds in marijuana have no known level of toxicity. Studies
showing serious health effects from smoking the plant are largely the
work of one man, Dr. Gabriel G. Nahas, whose work has been described
as fraudulent by his peers. Nahas' work was publicly repudiated by
his own institution, Columbia University, in 1975, but he is still
cited by drug warriors, including the editors of The Wall Street
Journal's opinion page. The DEA ignored its own judge's ruling and
has since denied all petitions to reschedule.

. Under current law, students with a drug conviction, no matter how
minor, are ineligible for federal student aid; applicants who've been
convicted of violent crimes, on the other hand, are not disqualified.

. In 2004, 771,605 people in the United States were arrested for
marijuana violations, according to the FBI. Eighty-nine percent of
those arrests were for possession. After studying the spending of
myriad agencies, Jeffrey A. Miron, a visiting professor of economics
at Harvard, has estimated that the federal government spent at least
$3.6 billion in 2004 to reduce marijuana use, and roughly $257
billion (in 2003 dollars) over the last three decades. (The study was
commissioned by Taxpayers for Common Sense, which describes itself as
"a non-partisan budget watchdog.") At the same time, the report says,
marijuana use is "little different than in 1975."

. Between 40 and 50 percent of all Americans--the number varies from
poll to poll--say they have at some time tried marijuana. An
estimated 20 million use it regularly.

The Trade

Tucson is a big marijuana town, because it's so close to Mexico.
Untold tons come north over the border every year. In spite of the
manifest dangers of smuggling, it's still easier and safer than
large-scale growing in the United States. Big grows on this side of
the line are risky--last week's bust here in town of a house filled
with hundreds of plants illustrates the dangers.

The average chemo patient looking for relief isn't likely to find the
expensive, tasty, pampered sinsemilla (seedless marijuana) that comes
into the northern states from Canada--only Mexican brick. By all
accounts, there's plenty of that around.

Cannabis is a hardy, low-maintenance plant that grows best close to
the equator, where it probably originated. It flourishes in parts of
Mexico, and Central and South America, and is a very profitable crop:
Even the lowest grade of seeded, field-grade marijuana goes for more
than $100 a pound (dried) south of the border. Once it's over the
line, it's worth more than 10 times that. The huge markup is all
about scarcity and risk.

"Brokers from Tucson just go down and look at it and make an offer,
like any other farm crop. Like potatoes," explains a woman we'll call
Pat. "It's a business."

Pat runs the Tucson Hemp Clinic. In fact, she is the Tucson Hemp
Clinic: She supplies medical marijuana to about 75 patients, and
she's very careful about what she says and does. She commits a crime
when she buys weed in bulk and another every time she hands a month's
supply to a patient.

It's not clear that anyone is very eager to police the medical
marijuana community--NORML members have heard tales about police
officers letting med users off after hearing their stories. Cops are
human, and no jurisdiction wants the public-relations nightmare that
Washington, D.C., landed last year when a 27-year-old quadriplegic
named Jonathan Magbie died serving a 10-day sentence for pot
possession in the D.C. jail. But careful is the only sensible way for
Pat to be--what she is doing is absolutely against the law in Arizona.

She says that marijuana is easy to get hold of in Tucson, and that
Southern Arizona is one of the cheapest places to get high in the
country: High Times magazine's Hemp Market Quote feature usually pegs
Mexican brick here at $60 an ounce on the street. It's not great
stuff. Brick belongs to a category of weed known among marijuana
connoisseurs as schwag, a word that more or less explains itself. It
grows out in fields where the male plants are allowed to pollinate
the female plants, creating seeds that, pot aficionados say, sap
potency from the leaves and the most-prized part of the plant, the flower buds.

Pat says that Mexican weed is actually still quite good, but that the
compression used to pack it for smuggling breaks off the fragile
resin glands that contain the plant's psychoactive chemicals.
Sometimes the pressure also crushes the seeds, which then leak an oil
that becomes rancid. High temperatures are another enemy of potency,
and shipments waiting to be spirited across the border can sit in the
summer heat for weeks.

Most of the marijuana that moves through Tucson is bound for
elsewhere, and local users will tell you that the best of it keeps on
going, largely to the Midwest, where prices are higher. The
gargantuan busts that hit the news don't affect local supply, Pat
says, because the big, warehoused shipments are bound for the
northern and eastern markets. (Police say that the product in last
week's big indoor bust was also apparently headed north.) None of the
local brokers Pat deals with have ever been busted.

Cutting to the chase: How hard is it to get marijuana in Tucson?
Bill, a NORML member, recreational user and legalization activist,
smiles at the question.

"Well, let me tell you a story. I work construction. One day, my boss
sent me down to 22nd Street and South Alvernon Way to pick up some
supplies, and right after I got to the place, a sheriff's deputy
comes in and asks for so-and-so. Well, he and the guy go off laughing
and talking, so I asked the guy at the counter what it was about.
They'd called the sheriff, because that morning, when they got there
to open up, they found five bricks of Mexican sitting in the parking
lot. It had fallen off a truck. Literally."

Bill himself hasn't bought dope for 18 months, because he doesn't use
it up very fast, and he gets it from a guy he knows who knows a guy, who ...

But when asked where someone else would find it here, he laughs.

"Just go out and look in the street."

Norma Price, a retired oncologist who practiced in the '70s and '80s
in Atlanta and now lives in Tucson, says that she used to advise
chemo patients who got no relief from the standard anti-nausea drugs
to get weed wherever they could.

"I'd tell them to just start asking. A neighbor would turn out to
know somebody who knew somebody, or they'd have a grandson offer to
get it for them."

She and her partners in her medical practice eventually participated
in an experimental protocol that allowed them to prescribe THC, the
primary intoxicant in marijuana, in tablet form.

"It was not a panacea, neither the herb nor the pill, but it was
helpful. The tricky part was for people to get enough to curb their
nausea without becoming too sedated, and there were few people who'd
rather be nauseated than feel high. It was interesting," Dr. Price
says. "It seemed to me that the people who got the most benefit were
the people who had used it before."

Local quality is at its cyclic annual low right now: The new crop
hasn't been carried north yet, and sellers are clearing out the dregs
of last year's harvest, the seeds and stems nobody wanted earlier.

"It's capitalism at its finest," Pat says. "Pure supply and demand."


One way for medical users to solve the problem of supply is to grow
it themselves, or have a friend or relative with a green thumb do it for them.

That's what Dan Shapiro's mother did when he got sick in 1987.

Shapiro, who has both an M.D. and Ph.D., is now 39, an associate
professor of clinical psychiatry and assistant professor of
psychology in the UA College of Medicine, and an author. His first
book, Mom's Marijuana, is about how his anti-drug mother, a talented
gardener, grew marijuana in the backyard of her Connecticut home to
help him get through chemo. (Shapiro was diagnosed with Hodgkin's
disease when he was a junior in college, and he battled it for five
years. He is now well.)

Shapiro's mother saw that a baggie of marijuana her son bought
relieved his racking nausea, but she was scandalized by how much the
stuff cost. A practical woman who hated to see money wasted, she
picked out 10 seeds and planted them behind a screen of sunflowers.
Under her care, they grew into tree-like giants that towered over the
yard and yielded more marijuana than Shapiro "could have smoked in a lifetime."

She has not continued to grow, says Shapiro.

"I don't think. But then, I haven't asked."

One of the many unintended effects of the War on Drugs has been to
push users off the street and, literally, into the closet. And into
the greenhouse and the basement and onto the patio. In the process,
it has enriched those who furnish the means for growing the plant,
including Canadian and European seed dealers, hydroponics store
owners, horticultural-light manufacturers and organic fertilizer
makers. Supplying the growers is big business. Marc Emery, the
flamboyant Vancouver seed merchant recently arrested by the DEA in
Canada, made the front page of The Wall Street Journal in 1995, and
"Canada's dirty, well-lit marijuana trade" was splashed across the
cover of Forbes magazine in October 2003.

Patients who grow their own or have someone grow for them--an
arrangement that's legal, at least according to the state, in
California--save money, don't have to buy their weed from drug
dealers and know that the product is unadulterated, and, if they
wish, organic. Once they've got the seed, all the advice they need is
online and in the bookstores; everything else is available at The Home Depot.

Another attraction of growing at home is the availability of
specialized strains, including dozens bred for specific therapeutic
uses that include controlling different types of pain, permitting
sleep, relieving spasms and reducing anxiety. Judging from the
conversations on sophisticated, crowded Internet sites like
OverGrow.com, Cannabis Culture, MedUser.ca and Cannabis World Online,
a significant fraction of the hundreds, if not thousands, of amateur
plant breeders currently at work are themselves medical users, trying
to develop better treatments for their own conditions.

As Michael Pollan observes in The Botany of Desire, all gardeners
think of themselves as "small-time alchemists, transforming the dross
of compost (and water and sunlight) into substances of rare value and
beauty and power." The idea of a plant that can ease pain, induce
sleep and raise spirits has brought out the alchemist in many, many
people. OverGrow.com alone claims to have 126,000 registered members,
and there are usually more than a thousand of them online at any
given time. The site's mission is to "fight for the legalization of
marijuana by teaching people to grow."

Marijuana seed is small, easily shipped, easily germinated, can be
ordered online and doesn't cost all that much--usually between $20 to
$200 for 10 to 20 seeds, depending on the strain. Marijuana seed
listings, like all seed catalogues, make exciting reading for the
gardener: Hundreds of hybrids with evocative names--Black Widow,
White Widow, Double Widow, Shiskaberry, Trainwreck, Haze, Matanuska
Thunderfuck--beckon. It's illegal to buy seed in the U.S., but not
that illegal to sell it by mail in Europe and Canada--Emery, a
Canadian citizen, was arrested for breaking American laws in Canada,
a legally obscure action that is causing controversy north of the
border. Dozens of seed banks are ready to sell you the genetics at
retail, or you can score a bargain at an online auction. There are
even charity seed auctions to benefit online community members with
big medical bills.

If you were to shell out for seeds, receive them safely and grow them
without your neighbors finding out, however, you might be
disappointed. According to Bruce Mirken, spokesman for the Marijuana
Policy Project, warnings that marijuana is now much stronger than it
used to be--thanks to focused breeding programs and hydroponic
growing--are hyperbole. He says that such claims are simply designed
to scare parents into disregarding their own experiences of the plant.

In fact, the holy grail of many present-day breeders is to somehow
replicate the mind-blowing effects of the famous '70s imports like
Acapulco Gold, indigenous strains allowed to grow for long
seasons--without benefit of law enforcement--in the conditions to
which they were adapted. Other breeders aspire to create strains that
will retain their potency in the wild, without selection by humans.
(Marijuana left to itself in the higher latitudes loses psychogenic
potency within a few generations.) Their aim is to eliminate both the
marijuana trade and the power of the government, any government, to
control its citizens' use of the plant.

The Research

The main argument against legalizing marijuana for medical use is
that little scientific research has been done on it, which is true.
But that is not because researchers are not interested in fooling
around with THC, which in its pure form has been approved for use for
chemotherapy-induced nausea since 1985, or with the more than 60
related compounds found in marijuana resin. Quite the contrary: The
discovery of cannabinoid receptors in the human brain in 1993 has
suggested many fascinating avenues of inquiry, and bodies as august
as the American Medical Association and the Institute of Medicine of
the National Academies of Science have recommended that more research
on marijuana be done.

But in an exquisite twist of the U.S. government's serpentine
relationship with the plant, the only legal U.S. supplier of
marijuana is the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one of the
National Institutes of Health. NIDA has a pot field at the University
of Mississippi. It produces poor-quality weed that NIDA is reluctant
to part with, except to researchers who are looking for potential
harmful effects.

There is no way around NIDA. Researchers have to account for their
materials, so they cannot buy what they need on the street, nor can
they grow it. In one case, Lyle Craker, a botanist at the University
of Massachusetts who applied for a DEA license to grow pot for
FDA-approved research into therapeutic uses of marijuana, waited more
than three years for the agency to respond, only to be turned down by
its administrative law court--the same body that ignored its own
judge's recommendation that marijuana be taken off Schedule 1 back in
1988. The American Civil Liberties Union, which describes the DEA's
policy toward medical marijuana research as "foot-dragging" and
"stone-walling," is challenging the ruling.

Because investigations into the effects of the whole plant have been
more or less stymied in this country for years, opponents of
legalization can say there is no scientific basis for its medical
use, in spite of evidence that some patients find it more beneficial
than the legal, isolated brand of THC called Marinol that is approved
for treatment of chemo-induced nausea. (Tragic testimony came in
2000, when a writer and AIDS patient named Peter McWilliams choked to
death on his own vomit when he was forced to switch from marijuana to
Marinol after being convicted for violating federal marijuana laws.)
It's a closed circle that is beginning to open, though, as
scientifically respectable reports come in from investigators in
Europe, where marijuana has always been less-demonized.

And in a new development that is galvanizing U.S. medical users, a
form of prescription marijuana produced in England, an oral spray
called Sativex, has just been approved in Canada for use by multiple
sclerosis patients.

The Anti-Prohibition Movement

The question that begins to emerge after wandering through marijuana
world for a while is: Why?

Why is this country expending such enormous resources to control use
of a substance so benign that a user would have to smoke an estimated
7,000 joints in an hour to accumulate a lethal dose?

(Bill, who says campaigning for legalization is his hobby, recently
badgered the staff at the UA Poison and Drug Information Center until
they confessed to having never heard of an overdose of marijuana.)

Why should sick people fear being arrested for using a plant that
human beings have used for at least 8,000 years, a plant that many
doctors think should be allowed back into the pharmacopoeia? (Dr.
Shapiro describes the marijuana laws as "absurd;" Dr. Price feels
strongly that it should be legalized.)

Why, in short, is marijuana on the DEA's Schedule 1? The answers are
historical, institutional and, above all, economic.

The history of marijuana prohibition and the dawning of Reefer
Madness in the U.S. is entangled with medicine's embrace of
standardized medications early in this century, the ambitions of
showboating law enforcement officials, middle-class society's
suspicion of blacks and Latinos--the main users of marijuana in this
country before the '60s--and the greed of the king of yellow
journalism, William Randolph Hearst. (Hemp once threatened to become
a viable competitor with wood pulp in the paper industry, and Hearst
owned vast timber holdings.)

The current situation has much to do with widespread disinformation
and stigma, but more substantial forces are also at play. As both
Bruce Mirken and Mary Crow point out, the War on Drugs is an industry
that encompasses law enforcement at all levels--especially task
forces and local jurisdictions who seize and sell property--plus
legions of bureaucrats, the prison industry, prosecutors, defense
lawyers, drug rehabilitation centers and, last but not least, the
10-year-old, $7 billion-a-year drug-testing industry. The Drug and
Alcohol Testing Industry Association claims to represent 1,300
members, including "collection sites, laboratories, consortiums ...
and testing equipment manufacturers." The first two mission points on
its Web site, www.datia.org: "1. To represent the drug and alcohol
testing industry in Washington, D.C., on key legislative and
regulatory issues;" and "2. to expand the workplace drug and alcohol
testing market." It doesn't get much clearer than that.

That 500-pound gorilla of the medical world, the drug industry, also
has an obvious vested interest keeping marijuana illegal--what if
millions started smoking pot and stopped taking Xanax?--and Crow,
along with many other marijuana proponents, suspects that their
weight helps account for the disparity between public opinion and
public policy.

"You can't patent a plant," she says.

Asked whether marijuana-cultivation and -smuggling interests may also
be exerting pressure, Mirken can only speculate.

"I'm not aware of anything overt. But you know who the continued
criminalization of marijuana benefits most--the worst elements on
both sides of the law."

In the other corner is an array of organizations, some of them quite
young, devoted to protesting drug policy and chipping away at the
law, and, they hope, at the stigma attached to using marijuana.
NORML, the ACLU and the Marijuana Policy Project, which is currently
gearing up for another "regulation and taxation" campaign in Arizona,
are some of the biggest players. Other groups include Americans for
Safe Access, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Drug Policy
Alliance, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Mothers Against Misuse
and Abuse, and Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform,
a group founded in 1929 and resurrected in 2004 in response to an
ugly, humiliating (and fruitless) drug raid on a predominantly black
high school in South Carolina. WONPR contends that marijuana
prohibition is a women's and children's issue, and it's moved so
decisively that president/founder Cher Ford McCullough is being
honored with a 2005 National Leadership Award, which she will receive
at the White House from President Bush.

At its national conference this summer, the half-million-strong
National Organization of Women passed a resolution opposing the War
on Drugs. Many libertarians and states' rights advocates are also
strongly opposed to marijuana prohibition: William F. Buckley Jr. has
written about Peter McWilliams' death, describing the federal
government's "imposition of marijuana laws" as "fanatical."

There are signs that public policy is catching up to public opinion.
Ten states have functioning laws permitting medical marijuana use,
and so far, all 10 are ignoring a June Supreme Court ruling that the
federal government can arrest people who use pot under state medical
marijuana laws. In August, the California Highway Patrol advised
officers not to arrest people with fewer than eight ounces of
marijuana who could document that they were medical users. The city
of Denver just decriminalized small amounts of pot after a campaign
that emphasized the relation between alcohol and domestic violence.
Last year, an AARP poll found that 72 percent of people 45 and older
asked whether it should be legal for patients to use marijuana with a
doctor's recommendation said "yes." (Bill exults in this finding:
"Any day now, AARP is going to come out on our side!") Weeds, a
comedy about a pot-dealing suburban housewife, was a hit this year
for Showtime. The image of marijuana as a dangerous, evil drug, or as
one that turns the user into a worthless hippie stoner, seems
gradually to be falling away.

"The marijuana subculture is much larger than people are willing to
acknowledge," says Jonathan Lawrence, 36, another Tucson NORML member
who, like Bill, doesn't need marijuana for medical purposes but who
thinks it should be available to those who do. And to any other adult
who wants to use it, for that matter.

"People are afraid to say they use it, or they'll be blackballed in
the business community. That helps keep the stigma in place."

Lawrence, a Tucson native who asked to be identified fully in this
story, now owns his own metal machining business, but has served in
the Navy, and has worked in health care, corrections and
manufacturing. He says that everywhere he's worked, he's known people
who smoked marijuana.

"And they did their jobs just fine. The stereotype of the
dope-smoking couch potato--well, those people exist, but they're
individuals who'd be there on the couch with or without the dope."

Just as the drug warriors fear, the necessity of medical users is
acting as the opening wedge for overall legalization--or as the MPP
advocates, "regulation and taxation"--of marijuana. Patients'
experiences are gradually increasing tolerance, one family and circle
of friends at a time, says MPP spokesman Mirken.

Upon being told about Shapiro's mother, he says, "I cannot tell you
how often I hear stories like that from physicians. OK, for
example--last year, I got an e-mail from a guy I hadn't heard from
since college after our alumni magazine ran a little piece about me.
He's now a successful neurosurgeon in California, and what he wanted
to tell me was that his wife had had breast cancer, that it was
marijuana that got her through the chemo, and that he believed in
what I was doing."

As Crow puts it, "People understand they've been lied to when they
see the truth for themselves."

And the truth, she hopes, will set them free.
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