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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: Medical Pot Bill Will Get Hearing
Title:US WI: Medical Pot Bill Will Get Hearing
Published On:2005-11-22
Source:Wisconsin State Journal (WI)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 08:02:51

Every day for the past 23 years, Irv Rosenfeld has smoked up to a
dozen marijuana cigarettes.

On probably every one of those days, someone, somewhere, was arrested
for doing the same thing. But the government not only doesn't care
about Rosenfeld's drug use; it's been his supplier.

One of just seven remaining patients in the federal government's
"compassionate use" program, which provides marijuana for medical
uses, Rosenfeld said the drug helps him cope with the excruciating
pain caused by an estimated 200 benign bone tumors that daily poke at
his muscles and veins.

Rosenfeld, 52, a stock broker from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is the star
witness in a planned hearing today on legislation to exempt patients
with debilitating medical conditions from prosecution for using marijuana.

Supporters say he's well-qualified to speak on the subject: As of
this week, Rosenfeld has smoked an estimated 220 pounds of marijuana
grown by the federal government on a farm in Oxford, Miss. He's the
longest-serving participant in the program, which stopped accepting
new patients in 1991.

Doctors remain divided over the safety and efficacy of marijuana in
treating pain, nausea and loss of appetite that often accompanies
debilitating illnesses such as cancer and AIDS. Not so Rosenfeld.

"Without marijuana, I probably wouldn't be walking, if I were even
still alive," he said.

Rosenfeld wasn't always a fan of pot. In high school, he actually
spoke against the drug at school rallies. Holding up a bag of the
prescription drugs that had been his near constant companion, he'd
say, "Look at me: I'm not healthy. I have to take all these legal
drugs. Why would you, a healthy person, want to take an illegal drug?"

But after a friend urged him to try marijuana in college, Rosenfeld
said, he found he could sit for more than half an hour. Up to then,
he said, he could only sit for 10 minutes at a time before he had to stand.

In 1982, the Food and Drug Administration authorized him to use
marijuana. Once a month, he goes to his pharmacist for a tin of 300 joints.

Rosenfeld maintains he doesn't get a high from the drug - either
because the receptors in his brain are damaged or his pain is so
great - and isn't advocating broader legalization, like many who plan
to attend today's hearing do. Rather, he says doctors should be able
to prescribe the drug when needed.

Although supported mostly by Democrats, the bill's lead author is
Republican state Rep. Gregg Underheim of Oshkosh, who said he was
inspired to introduce it by conversations he had with cancer
survivors while he was undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

Few give the bill much chance of passage in the GOP- controlled
Legislature, where many view it as the first step toward legalizing marijuana.

Medical experts remain skeptical about marijuana's effectiveness -
especially when it's smoked - in the absence of controlled,
large-scale studies, said Mark Grapentine, a lobbyist for the
Wisconsin Medical Society. A prescription pill containing THC, the
active ingredient in pot, is already available to relieve nausea and
vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

"To this point, there haven't been those kind of peer-reviewed
medical journal (articles) that show that inhaling marijuana through
smoking it is the right way to go, especially when you have all the
negative effects that come with smoking," Grapentine said.

According to the National Institutes of Health, those include a
possible increase in cancer of the respiratory tract and lungs from
exposure to the more than 400 chemicals found in marijuana smoke,
including many found in tobacco. Other risks are well known - if
disputed - including addiction and memory loss.
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