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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NJ: Informant Will Sue Jackson Cops For $10M
Title:US NJ: Informant Will Sue Jackson Cops For $10M
Published On:2005-11-23
Source:Tri-Town News (NJ)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 07:50:07

Woman Claims Detective Sexually Assaulted Her; Says She Is Pregnant

An attorney representing a female Jackson police informant has filed
notice that the woman intends to sue Jackson Township for $10 million.

The letter of tort claim notice, signed by attorney Robert F. Varady,
of the firm La Corte, Bundy, Varady and Kinsella, Union, is required
under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act prior to the filing of legal
papers, according to the letter.

Jackson's township attorney, Kevin Starkey, was not available and did
not return calls for comment made to his office and home on Nov. 19.

Varady stated in the letter that the woman would be filing her suit
against the township; its police department; Public Safety Director
Samuel DePasquale, who will be retiring at the end of the year; his
successor, interim public safety director Capt. Christopher Dunton,
whose name was incorrectly stated in the notice of tort claim as
Draton; Lt. Detective John Siedler; Detective Sgt. Denis Campbell;
and the focus of her allegation, Narcotics Detective Anthony Senatore.

The letter went on to describe an alleged relationship between the
woman and Senatore that will be the basis for her legal action.

"This claim rises from a series of incidents involving the
aforementioned police officers and public officials in which the
claimant was recruited to be a confidential informant to assist the
township and its police department in investigating and prosecuting
drug dealers in Jackson," the letter states.

Varady said in the letter that Senatore, while in the course of his
duties as a police officer, entered into a sexual relationship with
the woman. However, according to the letter, the relationship became violent.

"Detective Senatore sexually assaulted the claimant," Varady said in
the letter. "The other named police officers were aware of Detective
Senatore's conduct and refused to report said conduct nor prevent
Detective Senatore from continuing said conduct."

Varady said the woman claimed negligence against all parties named in
the notice of tort claim as well as the violation of her constitutional rights.

She also alleged negligent hiring, negligent training and a
deliberate indifference to her constitutional rights as exhibited by
the practices, policies, procedures and lack thereof by the township,
its officials and supervisory officials of the police department and
its director, DePasquale.

Varady said in the letter that the woman had suffered injury from the
sexual assault, mental distress, a violation of her constitutional
rights and was fearful of Jackson police in general.

"In addition to the mental and physical abuse, Detective Senatore has
impregnated plaintiff and she will make a claim against all named
persons in this notice of claim for any and all medical costs
associated with said pregnancy and for support for the health,
education and welfare of said child," the letter states.

Varady also said in the letter that in addition to township personnel
named in the claim, other individuals might be named in the course of
the investigation and through the legal process of discovery.

"As of the date of this claim, claimant has suffered and sustained
accumulating loss of damages and will be required to spend money in
the future for hospital bills, doctor bills for pregnancy and care
for her and her infant, along with general damages for pain,
suffering and disability. By reason of the above, the claimant claims
damages in the amount of $10,000,000."

Varady said in the letter that copies had been sent to Starkey,
DePasquale, Dunton, whose name continued to be misidentified as
Draton throughout the letter, Siedler, Campbell and Senatore.

On Nov. 1, representatives of the state Attorney General's Office
served and executed a search warrant on the Jackson Police
Department, according to a press release faxed to a reporter by Capt.
David Newman. The press release stated that the investigation
concerned the alleged misconduct of one police officer, but did not
name Senatore.

That investigation is still ongoing, according to Township
Committeeman Mark Seda.

"It's my understanding that the state Attorney General's Office is
close to finishing their investigation," Seda said on Nov. 18. "It
would be premature for me to comment at this time."

Seda confirmed that the search warrant executed on the police
department was based on actions attributed to Senatore that were
subsequently described in the notice of tort claim.

"There was a notice sent to the police department to put the town on
notice that a suit would be filed," he said.

Messages requesting comment were not returned by DePasquale, Siedler
or Senatore.

Dunton and Campbell responded to the Tri-Town News.

Dunton also confirmed that the matter was still under investigation
by the Attorney General's Office.

"We've been provided no additional information," he said Monday. "The
statements made in the letter were pretty outrageous. The first
anybody in this agency was made aware (of the allegations) was when
we were served with a search warrant on Nov. 1. The allegations were
never brought to us (by the claimant). Why was it taken to the
Attorney General's Office first?"

Campbell said he could not confirm or deny that Senatore was out on
stress leave since the execution of the warrant earlier this month.
He also indicated it was no surprise that Senatore's co-workers and
supervisors were named in the notice of tort claim as well.

"I'm in the detective bureau, he's in the detective bureau," Campbell
said. "I'm a detective, he's a detective and the rest is a chain of command."
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