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News (Media Awareness Project) - US ME: OPED: Remember World AIDS Day
Title:US ME: OPED: Remember World AIDS Day
Published On:2005-12-01
Source:Bangor Daily News (ME)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 22:32:06

Imagine that when you read the Bangor Daily News tomorrow, the
headline states: "Epidemic hits town of Kenduskeag, entire population
stricken with death-wish illness."That's right, every man, woman and
child is infected with a well-known disease that is almost guaranteed
to take their lives prematurely. In the case of Kenduskeag, it would
be about 1,171 people (the town's population according to census
data); but it could just as easily be Dixmont, Frankfort, Patten,
Steuben or Trenton.

These and dozens of other communities in Maine have populations of
about 1,000 to 1,500 people. This is also the number of people in
Maine who are currently living with HIV-AIDS; lest we forget any
time, but particularly today: World AIDS Day.

I have a friend who is living with AIDS. His current situation is
that his disease means a regular regimen of drugs, occasional
illness, and chronic fatigue. He goes about his daily life with as
normal a routine as he can muster up. "John" had good support from
the Coastal AIDS Network (CAN); however, the recent closure of this
AIDS Service Organization (ASO) has meant a significant shift for
him, especially when it comes to the need for personal counseling and
emotional support. These are clearly part of his medicine and health.

John's services are supposedly being covered now by Dayspring in
Augusta. He and I recently talked about public perceptions,
prejudice, ignorance, and fear that cause for us to be living in a
culture where this subject is just not talked about.

John has great faith, and he also believes the people of Maine
possess and support "a great humanity." It is John's eternal optimism
that is also a significant part of his daily recovery program. So
aside from the frequent doctor's visits and bouts with pneumonia,
decaying muscle tissue, and the nausea and diarrhea, John states,
"I'm one of the lucky guys."

Over the past 18 years, statisticians have been monitoring the
incidence of HIV diagnoses; last year there were 45 new cases
officially registered through the various means of tracking. The
annual trend of new HIV cases in Maine has been pretty steady for
about 10 years. It is most important to note that between one-quarter
and one-third of those infected with HIV are unaware of their status.
However, funding for community-based prevention activities has
decreased, limiting the number of community workers testing Mainers.

In 2004, 48 percent of those testing positive with HIV were
simultaneously diagnosed with AIDS, indicating they'd been infected
with HIV for years before testing. These statistics are conservative,
as many individuals are unwilling to be open about the disease and
the cure, consistent with our cultural norms. The CDC "know your
status" initiative is a focus in Maine for 2005. This increased
emphasis on testing is likely to result in even larger numbers of
people being diagnosed and needing services.

It is time we all came out of the closet. We need to view the
HIV-AIDS epidemic in conjunction with, and as part of, a larger
context. It is one of many sexually transmitted diseases, and it is
also one of many life-threatening, life-altering illnesses that
affect all of us. We need to maintain a sense of urgency in order to
preserve an attitude that preventative measures and education are the
only real tools for reducing the number of cases.

The stereotype that this only happens to gay men, especially men who
use intravenous drugs is not only misleading, it is deadly. HIV-AIDS
is present in all walks of life. Hanging on to stereotypical judgment
is the root of the closeting and the "ghetto effect" it is having on
those living with HIV-AIDS in Maine.

The Maine Legislature is currently wrestling with the difficult task
of prioritizing the many legislative documents, and dealing with our
budget crisis. They are the ones who are forced to bring the human
faces of the affected, the afflicted, and the needy to the most
impersonal and yet hopefully objective place of saying "yes" to some
and "no" to others. They are the ones who will listen to the hours of
testimony by the many families and clients who receive some form of
state or federal assistance, and then decide where to spend our
limited resources.

There are some other current day realities that are important to
remember as we evaluate our priorities. The new wave of drug use in
Maine includes heroin and methamphetamines. Heroin is primarily taken
by injection, and according to the Centers for Disease Control,
individuals using crystal meth are four times more likely to
participate in unprotected sex than others. A common means for
AIDS-HIV transmission is now coupled with another epidemic wave of
drug use that involves needles and-or unprotected sex. This is a
recipe for disaster if we don't allocate reasonable means and funding
for prevention and education.

The Maine AIDS Alliance has been the coordinator of many regional
agencies specifically for this purpose. Maine has had a history of
providing education and prevention throughout the past 10 years,
primarily supporting ASO's and working closely with communities,
health care providers and schools. This year the appropriations
committee is reviewing carried-over legislation, LD 588.

This bill would provide a modest $350,000 a year for two years to
support the Maine AIDS Alliance. It would replace recent funding cuts
and provide area groups with testing and increased case-management
services of HIV-AIDS in Maine: a small price of prevention for pounds
of potential cure for a disease that we cannot afford to forget
about. This relatively small allocation to augment an already scant
state commitment to a serious health issue is critical.

LD 588 would allow the Maine AIDS Alliance to continue as the only
collective voice in our state for education and advocacy, and more
importantly restore funding assistance to the AIDS Service
Organizations who are providing the front line services to clients
and at-risk populations.

Think about it and then contact your legislator.
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