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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: Editorial: Drug Rules Slipped Into Patriot Act
Title:US NC: Editorial: Drug Rules Slipped Into Patriot Act
Published On:2005-12-16
Source:Shelby Star, The (NC)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:56:15

The USA Patriot Act, up for renewal later this month, could become the
vehicle by which Americans' cold medications come under new, intrusive

In May, we opposed a proposal by Sen. Dianne Feinstein to regulate
over-the-counter cold medicines that contain ingredients that can be
used in making illegal methamphetamine. The regulation, we believed,
was intrusive on personal freedom and likely to be ineffective in
significantly reducing meth production.

The idea has found its way into the renewal legislation for the
Patriot Act, now being debated. Under the proposed measure, people
suffering from colds will have to "show a photo ID and sign a logbook"
to buy cold medications containing the decongestant pseudoephedrine,
reported the Dec. 10 San Francisco Chronicle. The efforts are aimed at
reducing pseudoephedrine supplies to "kitchen lab" methamphetamine
makers, who are known to buy large quantities of cold medications at

There are two troubling aspects to the proposal's inclusion in the
Patriot Act, which is centered on the war on terrorism. For one, that
the measure is included at all is based on the loose reasoning that
meth labs could fund terrorist activities. It's a case where federal
laws supposedly intended for one thing, i.e., the war on terrorism,
end up being used for something else, in this instance the war on drugs.

Secondly, the law itself -- as was Sen. Feinstein's original proposal
- -- is of questionable value. The Chronicle noted that most drugs used
in making meth come not from the corner drugstore, but are "shipped in
from Canada, Mexico and other countries, according to the Drug
Enforcement Administration," so the new law "is likely to have a
modest impact" on the meth supply.

We urge Congress to oppose including this intrusive, futile provision
in the Patriot Act.
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