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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Drug Survey of Students Finds Picture Very Mixed
Title:US: Drug Survey of Students Finds Picture Very Mixed
Published On:2005-12-20
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:53:53

Alcohol use and cigarette smoking among teenagers are at historic
lows, but the number of high school students abusing prescription
drugs like Oxycontin is rising, and sedative abuse is at its highest
in 26 years, according to an annual national study released yesterday.

Asked whether they had used tranquilizers, barbiturates or sedatives
for nonmedical use in the last year, 14 percent of high school
seniors, 11 percent of 10th graders, and 7 percent of 8th graders
said yes, according to the Monitoring the Future study, which the
federal government considers the best benchmark of teenage drug use.

Among high school seniors, 7.2 percent had used sedatives without a
prescription in the last year, up from a low of 2.8 percent in 1992,
and a level not reached since 1979, when 7.5 percent of seniors
reported using them. And 5.5 percent of seniors reported using
Oxycontin, a potent pain killer, up from 4 percent in 2002, when the
survey first asked about the use of the drug.

"If you told me heroin use was at 5 percent, most people would be
very concerned," said Lloyd Johnston, the principal investigator of
the study and a professor at the University of Michigan, which
conducts the survey for the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "I'm
not sure it's a whole lot less dangerous that Oxycontin use is at
that level. This is a drug that has great potential for overdose and
for creating dependence."

By contrast, less than 1 percent of high school seniors reported using heroin.

Officials noted that the prescription drugs were much more widely
available than illegal drugs.

But they also spoke of a cultural shift; teenagers have grown up in a
world where it is routine to reach for a prescription bottle to
enhance performance, to focus better in school or to stay awake or calm down.

"They become part of our everyday lives," said Nora Volkow, the
director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "You see an ad for
medication the way you see an ad for shampoo, and the message is that
it's just like an everyday thing."

Other federal studies, Dr. Volkow said, estimate that six million
America adults abuse prescription drugs. "When it comes to
adolescents," she said, "we're used to worrying about illegal drugs,
but we have to also be worried about the legal ones."

The study, conducted since 1975, surveys a nationally representative
sample of about 50,000 students in 400 public and private schools.

Officials said the overall picture was good; the number of students
who reported using steroids or smoking marijuana, which the White
House Office of National Drug Control Policy considers the gateway to
other drug abuse, has gone down or held constant. Over all, the
office said, 700,000 fewer students were using illicit drugs in 2005
than in 2001.

"These are remarkable declines," said John P. Walters, the director
of drug control policy. "Almost every single illegal drug is down,
and some dramatically."

Use of marijuana, the most widely used illicit drug, peaked in 1996
and has continued to decline, though the decline held flat for eighth
graders this year. Asked whether they had smoked marijuana in the
previous year, 12.2 percent of 8th graders, 26.6 percent of 10th
graders, and 33.6 of 12th graders said yes. Asked whether they had
used other illicit drugs, 8.1 percent of 8th graders, 12.9 percent of
10th graders, and 19.7 percent of seniors said yes. Less than 2
percent in any group had used steroids.

Asked whether they had used alcohol in the previous year, 68.6
percent of high school seniors said yes, compared with 70.6 percent
in 2004 and 84.8 percent in 1975. Cigarette smoking has declined,
too; 23.2 percent of seniors had smoked in the last 30 days, compared
with 25 percent in 2004 and 36.7 percent in 1975.

The drugs that showed increases were sedatives - that includes
sleeping pills like Ambien - Oxycontin and inhalants.

At the lowest point, in 1992, 2.8 percent of seniors said they had
used sedatives. That rate had risen for a decade before leveling off
in 2003, and has begun to rise again, to 7.2 percent. Oxycontin use
among all three grades combined has risen 26 percent since 2002, from
2.7 percent to 3.4 percent of all 8th, 10th and 12th graders. Many
students, researchers said, believe the drugs to be safe because they
are legal.

"There is some logic to that, because if you're buying Ecstasy, you
have no idea where it was made or what's in it," Mr. Johnston said.

But with more drugs coming from Internet sources, he said, "I suspect
lots of these drugs are not legitimately produced. So it's a false assurance."
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