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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: OPED: Our Women Behind Bars Need Help
Title:US TX: OPED: Our Women Behind Bars Need Help
Published On:2005-12-28
Source:Herald Democrat (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:19:35

Other than the queen herself, the only woman pictured on Britain's currency
is Elizabeth Fry, a Quaker lady who is acknowledged worldwide as the
inspiration for modern penology.

What she achieved in the humane treatment of imprisoned women in early 19th
century England, was extended to male prisoners throughout Europe during
her lifetime.

If Mrs. Fry, mother of 12, were to return to 21st century America, she
would have to start all over again. The number of women has soared, the
reasons for their incarceration have changed, and the difficulties of
rehabilitation have increased.

In Fry's time, many women were imprisoned for mere vagrancy, which is to
say, homelessness. Others were huddled into mass cells for prostitution and
petty theft, prompted by poverty. They were typically joined behind bars by
their minor children.

Today, in the U.S. alone, the female prison population in state and federal
prisons has doubled in the past 10 years to 100,000 a annual increase of
4.8 percent compared with just 3.1 percent of male prisoners. Whereas we
imprison men to solve a social problem, the incarceration of women actually
creates a problem.

What kind of women are in prison today? Forget any preconceptions about
lusty "babes behind bars" or polite white collar criminals such as Martha
Stewart. The typical American woman in prison today is a victim of physical
or mental abuse, often leading to alcohol or drug addiction. Three out of
every four women in local jails and state prisons are African-American. Few
of the women are violent threats to society.

Most women behind bars are mothers who have been forced to leave their
children behind, furthering weakening the family. At the moment, about 2
million American children have a parent in prison a whopping 50 percent
increase since 1991. For more than one in 12 of these children, it is their
mother who is behind bars. Because prisons for women are in relatively
short supply, it is often necessary to hold mothers far from their homes,
making it difficult for their children to visit them.

The increase in the incarceration rate of women is largely due to tougher
enforcement of drug violations, coupled with mandatory sentencing.
One-third of female prisoners are there for a drug offense, compared to
just one in five men. Although violent crime is on the increase among women
(accounting for one-third of prison sentences), over half of male prisoners
are incarcerated for violent offenses.

Elizabeth Fry focused public attention on the treatment of prisoners after
she forced way into notorious Newgate prison, where she found women and
children huddled into two rooms, unemployed and at the mercy of their
jailers. With the help of women volunteers, she taught them hygiene, child
care, self-government, and needlework they could sell so they would have a
nest egg once they were released.

Today many male prisons have virtually abandoned efforts at rehabilitation.
But women can be saved if we will only try.

DAVID YOUNT is author of the book "Celebrating the Rest of Your Life: A
Baby Boomer's Guide to Spirituality" (Augsburg).
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