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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MO: LTE: Senators Will Regret Drug Force Funding Cuts
Title:US MO: LTE: Senators Will Regret Drug Force Funding Cuts
Published On:2005-12-25
Source:Columbia Daily Tribune (MO)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:17:58

Editor, the Tribune:

Our federal government has declared methamphetamine and meth labs as
priorities in its war on drugs. A war that is centered in the middle of
Missouri, with an estimate of more than 2,300 meth labs - more than any
other state. A war that needs money and law enforcement officers to win.
That same government has now reduced funding to the Mid-Missouri Drug Task
Force, forcing this effective and important agency to lose a third of its
officers. Shame on them.

In a recent KRCG interview, Missouri's Sen. Kit Bond refused to take
responsibility for the action taken by the U.S. Senate, laying the
responsibility on an already strapped state budget. Shame on him.

The senator's appearance on the evening news was nothing more than
"getting face time" and passing the buck. He is supposed to set the
tone on the war on drugs. It sounds like that tone is "support the
drug dealers." How can we take a bite out of crime when the senator is
pulling our drug task force's teeth? The city of Columbia is worried
about the condition of the streets. It looks like the only people
using our byways will be the meth dealers, as our taxpaying,
law-abiding citizens will be too afraid to venture out in the evening.

Sen. Bond, shame on you. And why is Sen. Jim Talent hiding? Do we have
to play "Where's Waldo" to get good legislation?

Kathy Dowling
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