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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Marijuana Collective Raided In Dublin
Title:US CA: Marijuana Collective Raided In Dublin
Published On:2006-01-05
Source:Tri-Valley Herald (Pleasanton, CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:47:08

Club Owners Complain, but Have No Dispensary Permit to Sell Pot

DUBLIN -- A post-Christmas raid on a medical marijuana collective in
Dublin prompted the owners of the club to complain about police action
to the Dublin City Council.

Dublin and Livermore police and Alameda County Sheriff's Department
executed search warrants on CT Creation, a business at 6711-B Sierra
Court, and a private residence on Dec. 26, 2005, said Dublin Police
Lt. Glenn Moon.

Moon said the police seized about five pounds of marijuana, various
hash products and "marijuana edibles" and $11,000 in cash from the
properties. Dublin does not permit medical marijuana

CT Creation has had a business license to sell T-shirts, graphics and
personal care products since February 1993 from a residence, Moon said.

In July 2005, CT Creation requested a business license to operate out
of the Sierra Court storefront but did not attempt to gain a medical
marijuana dispensary permit, Moon said.

"At that point, there was no mention of a request to try and operate a
medicinal marijuana collective or co-op," he said.

The business license was granted in October 2005 and, shortly
thereafter, the police began receiving anonymous complaints about
potential illegal drug activity at the site, Moon said.

But owner Cindy Thomas and a woman who operates the store named Lisa
- -- who requested her last name not be used -- said the Dublin Greene
club is a collective that helps patients obtain medical marijuana with
compassionate care.

"I myself had a need for medical marijuana to due a long illness,"
Thomas said. "I wanted to present a club that was woman-oriented."
Club members are required to comply with a dress code and present
proper identification, including a driver's license, doctor's
recommendation and an Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative card. About
120 members belong to the club and hail from all over the valley,
although most are Dublin and Pleasanton residents. Thomas said there
is no smoking allowed on the premises and they only take names by referral.

"We are very patient-oriented," she said.

The collective was conducted out of a back room where people could see
samples of the marijuana, even look at the crystals under a
microscope. On Wednesday, the back room was fairly empty, save for a
T-shirt that stated "Got Pot," a lamp in the shape of a marijuana
plant and some other items, such as the stores' signature soap in the
shape of ducks. Thomas and Lisa came before the City Council on
Tuesday night to complain about the manner in which the raid was
conducted and the way the police drew guns on Lisa's children and
seized patient records.

Moon said the search was conducted according to protocol.

"We're looking at $11,000 on their books to determine if they're
actually making a profit here or if they're nonprofit," he said.

Dublin City Manager Richard Ambrose said the city sent the owner a
letter informing them that they were violating the zoning ordinance.

The Dublin City Council placed a moratorium on medical marijuana clubs
on Aug. 16, 2005, after receiving an inquiry about establishing a
dispensary in the city. The council extended the moratorium in
September 2005.

But Thomas and Lisa said they think their club is legal and consulted
with an attorney and the Americans for Safe Access, a medical
marijuana advocacy organization.

"We think it's really a shame the Dublin police chose to raid a
mom-and-pop collective such as the Dublin Greene the day after
Christmas," said Hilary McQuie, communications director for the group.

Ambrose said city staff members will issue a report on medicinal
marijuana within the next couple months so the City Council can
consider whether to allow dispensaries to operate in the city.

For the club's sake, Lisa wants them to allow the operation.

"We would like the city of Dublin to step up and do the job that the
cities around the county have already been doing," she said.
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