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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: Editorial: Government Harasses Us Again
Title:US WA: Editorial: Government Harasses Us Again
Published On:2006-01-11
Source:Whidbey News-Times (WA)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:12:39

The Department to Harass Law Abiding Businesses and Citizens to Make
it Look Like We're Doing Something (DTHLABACTMILLWDS) has come up with
a new law governing the sale of popular cold and allergy medicines.

Citizens in Washington can no longer purchase Sudafed, for example,
without asking for it, as it's stored behind the pharmacy counter in
the space formerly occupied by condoms. Also you have to show a photo
ID as proof of being at least 18, sign your name and address to a
sheet of paper open to police inspection, and you can buy no more than
two boxes of Sudafed in any 24-hour period. The store has to keep a
record of this or face an inquiry by the Department of Post Nasal Drip
Security. Pharmacists who fail to keep complete records will be
tortured by the Department of Homeland Insecurity.

The problem as lawmakers see it is that various low-lifes use Sudafed
and similar remedies to make a nasty drug called meth, so these cold
medicines should be regulated. Lawbreakers, of course, will easily
find some way around the law, just steal the stuff outright, or buy it
over the Internet. In reality, only law abiding citizens will be
bothered by the new law, but that's the point. It makes it look like
the government is doing something to control the meth epidemic without
actually having to catch and convict any criminals, which is a
difficult and expensive proposition.

This comes at a time when mom and pop meth manufacturers are under
increasing pressure from foreign competition. It's hard to make a
living out of the single-wide anymore when Mexican and Chinese
criminal versions of Wal-Mart are pouring tons of cheap meth into this
country and driving local manufacturers out of business. Meth
manufacturing is being out-sourced, costing thousands of illicit
American jobs. Pretty soon there won't be an honest or dishonest way
for an American to make a living, short of getting elected to the
Legislature or Congress.

When moonshining used to be a problem, government agents kept an eye
on who was ordering large quantities of sugar, but Grandma never had
to sign for a 10-pound bag at the grocery store. If manufacturing
white lightnin' ever comes back in vogue, you can bet our modern
lawmakers will require that sugar be kept behind the counter,
quantities will be limited to only enough to bake five batches of
cookies at a time, and Grandma's mugshot will be kept on file as a
possible moonshiner.

Meanwhile, foreign moonshine will pour through our borders, guarded by
the U.S. Sieve Patrol.

For citizens who find Sudafed's ingredient helpful in alleviating the
symptoms of colds or allergies, you can choose between having your
name, address and phone number on file for police perusal for years,
or doing without.

Or, if you want a cheap, plentiful drug alternative with absolutely no
reporting requirements, buy some meth.
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