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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NM: Drug-Policy Official Fails To Sway Senate
Title:US NM: Drug-Policy Official Fails To Sway Senate
Published On:2006-01-28
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 18:11:00


The Bush administration got involved in New Mexico's medical
marijuana issue Friday, sending a top drug-policy administrator to
testify against SB158.

But David W. Murray, a special assistant to national drug czar John
Walters, had little or no effect on the Senate Judiciary Committee,
which gave the measure a do-pass with bipartisan support.

And some senators said Murray's presentation was heavy-handed .

Murray told the committee that marijuana is an addictive substance
with very serious health consequences , has no proven medical value
and can lead to "serious mental illness ," depression and suicide.

He likened medical-marijuana proponents to "medicine shows, traveling
charlatans and snake-oil salesmen" selling phony "tinctures, magical
herbs and remedies." Murray said medical marijuana is an issue that
has been brought forth not by the medical profession but by advocates
of drug legalization.

"They use emotion, they use suffering patients, they use anecdote,"
he said. And in a statement that some committee members criticized,
Murray added: "I regard much of that as cynical and manipulative."

Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez, D-Belen , took him to task
for those words, pointing out that sponsors of crime legislation
often bring victims of crimes to testify without being called
"cynical and manipulative ."

"I don't know how you do it back East," Sanchez told Murray, "But
this is the people's house. Everybody has a right to be here just as
much as you do. When you said this to us, you showed us where you
were really at. I don't think you should go to a state and say such
things about their people."

Some of Murray's toughest criticism came from Republicans on the
Judiciary Committee.

Noting his argument that marijuana has no medicinal value, Sen. Clint
Harden, R-Clovis , said, "We are not talking about the healing power
of marijuana. The purpose of this is to reduce pain."

Murray noted that the federal Food and Drug Administration has not
approved marijuana for medical treatment. The FDA, not politicians,
should make some determinations, he said.

Sen. Rod Adair, R-Roswell , disputed statements by Murray and some
state law-enforcement representatives that medical marijuana will
increase use of the drug. He compared the bill to the concealed-carry
law, which lets people apply for permits to carry hidden guns. Some
opponents said that law would give criminals the right to carry
concealed weapons.

"But robbers are already doing that," Adair said. Likewise, those who
smoke marijuana illegally are doing so without a medical-marijuana
law, he said.

Sen. John Grubesic, D-Santa Fe, told Murray he had a hard time
accepting the claim that medical marijuana is "the huge bogey man you
want it to be."

But Sen. Bill Payne, R-Albuquerque , said the bill boils down to a
state challenge of the federal Controlled Substances Act and "whether
or not the government has the right to control drugs."

The bill's sponsor, Sen. Cisco McSorley, D-Albuquerque , responded
that all it does is tell a small number of medical patients that the
state will not prosecute them for using marijuana.

The measure goes on to the Senate floor, where a spokesman for the
Senate said it could be heard as early as Tuesday. Last year, a
similar bill that the Senate passed died in the House.

SB158 would let patients with debilitating medical conditions,
including cancer and AIDS, use marijuana to treat pain and nausea
caused by serious diseases and in some cases the side effects of
treatment for those diseases.

The state Department of Health would administer a program under which
doctors would be allowed to recommend marijuana for their patients.
The marijuana used in the program would be grown in a secure facility
by the state or a private agency contracting with the state.
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