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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Column: Drug Lords Rule!
Title:US TX: Column: Drug Lords Rule!
Published On:2006-02-01
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 17:56:14

Who are the drug lords? The administrators of the smuggling cartels
live lives of luxury in Bogota, Kabul and Mexico City. The upper
echelons, the enablers, live in D.C., New York, London and Houston.
Who are the drug lords, the REAL kingpins? They are bankers,
pharmaceutical houses, oil companies, construction companies, weapons
manufacturers and a thousand other corporate interests whose very
existence depends on violence, hatred, distrust and deception. The
prohibition of drugs is the ideal means to continuously ratchet up the

The drug lords make untold billions each year from the drug war. Make
no mistake about that. The farm gate price of these "illegal drugs"
is less than $5 billion per year. In the US alone, we spend well in
excess of $50 billion per year, attempting to squelch the flow of
drugs and in housing 2.2 million prisoners and in arresting 1.6
million more US citizens each year for baggies of plant products.

The UN estimates the worldwide commerce in these illegal drugs to be
$500 billion per year.

Chickenfeed, compared to the amounts made by the upper echelon, whose
gravy is ladled with steam shovels. The bankers take up to 80% of the
drug "take" when they launder the money for cocaine cartels and
marijuana magnates. The oil companies are able to easily usurp lands
once the peasant farmers use them for coca production. Prior to 1914
and the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Act, Bayer Heroin was on the
grocer's shelf next to Bayer Aspirin at the same price. The
pharmaceutical houses and the medical associations decided in the
early 20th century that the American people could be forced to give up
the right to decide for themselves what to put into their own bodies.
If its not made by a Fortune 500 company, it's a crime on planet Earth!

Before 911, we were already spending in excess of $400 billion per
year to provide additional security for our nation. Following our
crusades to Afghanistan and Iraq II, (not to mention our presence in
about 140 of the 170 nations on planet Earth,) we are now spending
approximately $800 billion per year to "feel secure". President
Eisenhower warned us as he was leaving office, to beware of the
military industrial complex.

Who are the drug lords? They are every politician who lives and
breathes war, drugs, terror or otherwise. They are the corrupt, lying
corporate heads, malicious media barons, venomous judges and cretinous
cops, who knowing full well the truth, choose to follow their nose to
riches, to embrace a lie, to feed their evil cornucopia with the lives
of their fellow man.

Who are the drug lords? Knowing what you do about this policy of
prohibition, if you don't work to bring this tower of drug war madness
crashing to the ground, your silence is far from golden.

We gave up our liberty to choose our own medicines, in 1914, in
exchange for supposed security regarding drugs. In 2006, we are being
forced to give up additional, even unknown, liberties in exchange for
supposed protection. Our slide into this abyss is facilitated by the
fear engendered by 92 years of prohibition and the mechanism of deceit
that allows the drug war to flourish despite decades of miserable failure.

America, land of the free, home of the brave? My observations
indicate we are at a cusp, a junction where we can choose liberty,
truth and justice or we can slide into the arms of big brother,
admitting we are powerless over our own lives and are willing to take
whatever the drug lords are offering.

. We currently produce 9 radio programs per week for KPFT, 90.1 FM in
Houston and for our 50 affiliate stations in the US and Canada. We
interview congressmen, scientists, doctors and many others whose time
spent in the trenches of the drug war compels them to now proclaim it
a hopeless failure. If you would like to learn more please visit our
website www.drugtruth.net. Your silence in regards to the drug war
mechanism will ensure that it continues.

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