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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: People Back Use Of Medical Marijuana
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: People Back Use Of Medical Marijuana
Published On:2006-02-23
Source:North County Times (Escondido, CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 15:50:45

Jim Horn's letter "'Weed' hardly necessary as medicine" (Letters,
Feb. 19) praises Supervisor Jeff Stone for challenging "potheads (and
dumb politicians)" by pushing for Riverside County to join in an
anti-medicinal marijuana lawsuit with surrounding counties. Although
Mr. Horn argues against the use of marijuana, he hasn't provided a
legitimate argument in support of the contention of this lawsuit.

Specifically, this lawsuit alleges that the people of California do
not have the constitutional authority to self-governance on the issue
of legalizing the personal use of marijuana.

With respect to the proposed lawsuit, the issue of whether the use of
marijuana is safe or beneficial is completely irrelevant. The
contention is that the people do not have the right to make its use
legal. In my opinion, any arguments supporting this lawsuit should
(minimally) address this primary argument.

So, while Mr. Horn asserts that those who disagree with this lawsuit
are whiny and ignorant, he has failed to provide even one argument in
favor of the lawsuit, per se.

Perhaps Mr. Horn and Supervisor Stone are in favor of big-brother
Politburo government dictating every facet of life to the people.
Obviously, the people of California do not share this mentality, as
the medicinal marijuana act was passed by an overwhelming majority of
actual citizen-voters. Perhaps we can hear just one argument against
the validity of the will of the people (which is what this lawsuit is about)?


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