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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: PUB LTE: Charges Stem From Words
Title:US MI: PUB LTE: Charges Stem From Words
Published On:2006-03-02
Source:Kalamazoo Gazette (MI)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 15:16:45

I am writing in regard to your Feb. 16 article, ``Former school
counselor says he's a target after drug arrest.''

Regarding his writing on drug issues, which Greg Francisco has already
been nationally recognized, and now persecuted, for, here are two
quotes from pieces he's written:

``Prohibition does not keep kids away from drugs.''

``Why would anyone want to make the scum who prey on our children even

While his theories may be outside the box, his intentions are good and
problems are not solved by following the status quo.

Some might doubt that Francisco has been targeted because of his
writing. Therefore, do you believe vacuum cleaners and prosecution
over a suspect stem of marijuana are normal behaviors of law
enforcement officials?

Are you aware of the case in the same district court where an
assistant principal of L.C. Mohr High School stood charged with
planting marijuana in a student's locker and then calling the drug
dog? Charges were dropped because of the fact the assistant principal
``meant well'' and was acting in ``pursuit of a greater good.''

I hope that the charges against Francisco are dropped for the same
reasons. He obviously intended no harm to anyone.

James A. Paulk

Farmington Hills
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