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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Editorial: Time For Change
Title:US CO: Editorial: Time For Change
Published On:2006-03-13
Source:Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 14:27:36

Failed Drug War Should Be Re-Examined

Border security seems to be in the news often these days. The focus
usually is on the people coming into this country from Mexico and
Central America. Little media attention is paid to drug-smuggling
operations, so little attention is paid by the American people to a
failed border policy that has been going on for decades -- border
skirmishes in the drug war.

Since January, nearly 50 people have been killed in the border city of
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. On Tuesday, a state police chief was killed and
two other officers wounded when their car was fired on by well-armed
assailants. The ambush-style shootings are being blamed on drug lords
battling over smuggling routes into the United States. These latest
victims can be added to the rising costs of an American drug control
policy that does little to keep drugs off the streets in U.S. cities,
while racking up huge bills.

Drug warriors in this country like to trumpet their successes in the
media, posing with large caches of drugs and weapons they've taken
from smugglers and dealers. And for that dangerous work they are to be
lauded. But the larger picture shows that for all the foot soldiers'
risky work, the supply of available drugs seems little changed. Don't
blame that on the folks on the front lines; the fault lies further up
the chain of command and is the result of a faulty premise.

The drug war is based on the idea that if the government wishes
something to go away, it can simply outlaw it. Apparently those in
charge of the nation's drug policy were absent from history class the
day Prohibition was covered. It didn't work in the 1920s and it's not
working now, because it ignores one of the basic tenets of freedom: so
long as the rights of others are not harmed, what one does with one's
own body is not the business of government.

An argument can be made that by spending, say, the rent money on
drugs, parents expose their children to the possibility of
homelessness and a host of other woes. That's true, but it's a
societal problem rather than a legal one. And making drugs illegal
hasn't kept people from using them.

Defenders of the drug war will point to the Nuevo Laredo victims and
ask if their rights were not violated by drug lords. Of course they
were, but that's a result of drug prohibition, not drug use. Drug
lords are willing to kill to protect their business because of the
huge profits involved in the drug trade. Those profits are in direct
correlation to the risk involved. That's basic economics.

In the drug trade, the risk comes from dealers attempting to
monopolize the market and government officials trying to close the
market. In the absence of prohibition, the threat of arrest would be
eliminated and danger from other dealers would be reduced because the
profits would be smaller.

In a free society, people should be free to make choices with little
or no interference from government. Many, if not most, Americans don't
see a need for government to meddle in their lives. After all, most of
us are upstanding citizens, right? Ah, but those other folks; they
need the nanny government to look out for them and limit their
choices. Actually, very few of them need someone else to look out for
their best interests. And in even fewer cases would the government be
the proper custodian. Now might not be the time to legalize drugs, but
it's certainly the time to honestly evaluate our current policy,
because it's not working.

Oh, Canada!

Our southern border isn't the only one where drugs come into this
country illegally. Thousands of Americans buy prescription medications
on the Internet and have them shipped from Canada. They spend less
money and most likely get medicine identical to what's available at
the corner pharmacy. Everyone's a winner.

Not exactly.

Reimporting medicine into this country is a federal crime and U.S.
Customs and Border Protection officials have stepped up enforcement of
the law in recent years. In November, the agency added
non-prescription medications to the list of items to be seized.
According to an Associated Press report, Florida Sen. Bill Nelson
examined Customs data and said nearly 13,000 packages of medicine have
been seized since then. That's a lot of folks either doing without or
paying twice for their medicine.

The root of the problem of high prices for medicine isn't greed on the
part of pharmaceutical companies; it's government meddling in the
marketplace. Canada and many European nations limit the price
companies can charge for medicine sold within their borders. They're
not doing anyone any favors.

Pharmaceutical companies rely on profits to fund research and
development of new medicines and stay in business. Price caps limit
those profits and shift the burden of R & D costs to those countries
that allow the free market to set prices. That shift boosts prices in
those markets, meaning those consumers subsidize the medicine costs in
markets with price caps.

Rising medical costs tempt some to call for laws that allow cheaper
medicines from overseas or price caps in the United States. Both are
bad ideas. Allowing Americans to purchase medicine from foreign
stockpiles would limit the medicine available in those countries.
Canada and other nations aren't going to allow their citizens to go
without medicine, so they'll likely pass laws banning such exports.
And the pharmaceutical companies aren't fools; if they see U.S. sales
dip as foreign sales rise -- and the resulting profit loss -- they'll
cut back on the amount of medicine sold overseas. After all that,
Americans will be right back where we are now.

A better solution would be to get the rest of the world to pay it's
share of R & D costs by eliminating price caps. Then the market could
set prices, rather than government. Price caps don't limit profits;
they simply shift them to other consumers.
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