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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, March 17, 2006 #441
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, March 17, 2006 #441
Published On:2006-03-17
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 14:07:04


* This Just In http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n441.html#sec1

(1) House OKs Millions For Colombia's Anti-Drug Effort

(2) DEA Says Pot Candy Is Not Dandy - 12 Arrested

(3) Kids Gone Wild - Or Have They? Drug Czar Goofs On Warning

(4) Poppy Crop Could Have Positive Use

* Weekly News in Review http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n441.html#sec2

Drug Policy

(5) Policing Trade to Nab Terrorists

(6) Drug War Trumps Port Safety

(7) President Bush Signs 'Combat Meth Act'

(8) Chanos Calls For Tough Action On Methamphetamine 'Super Labs'

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(9) PA. Cocaine Bust Shows Detroit Kids As Sellers

(10) Crack Again Cops Question 1st-Grader

(11) Cop To Stand Trial For Alleged Tip-Off

(12) Police Get To Keep $2.3 Million In Seized Cash

Cannabis & Hemp

(13) Cincinnati Poised To Toughen Pot Law

(14) Marijuana Activist Being Sent Back To Jail

(15) Police Hold Man's Medical Marijuana

(16) Hemp Harvested To Check Pollution

(17) Freedom And Pot

International News

(18) Cutting Edge Injustice

(19) No.1 Cash Crop Puts President On Hot Seat

(20) Condoleezza Rice Presented With Coca Leaf-Inlay Guitar

(21) Washington Wants Crackdown On Drugs

(22) GMA Revamps Drugs Board Following U.S. 'Drug Haven' Report On RP

* Hot Off The 'Net http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n441.html#sec3

The Profits Of Prohibition

Reports From ONDCP Drug Testing Summit At DARE Generation Diary

U.S. / Canada Grass Wars

Illicit Drugs: Burden And Policy - Conference White Paper

Cultural Baggage Radio Show

The Misuse Of SWAT - Paramilitary Policing In The Drug War

An Analytic Assessment Of U.S. Drug Policy

Nearly Half Of Americans Believe Pot Should Be Regulated Like Alcohol

* What You Can Do This Week

John Walters Does The Drug Czar Dance - Drugsense Focus Alert #327

Jobs Available At The Drug Policy Alliance

* Letter Of The Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n441.html#sec5

Prohibition Is A Policy Of Failure That's No Joke Or Reason To Laugh
- - By Allan Erickson

* Feature Article http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n441.html#sec6

Report from the Trenches: ONDCP Student Drug Testing Summit - By Jennifer Kern

* Quote of the Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n441.html#sec7

Irish proverb
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