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News (Media Awareness Project) - New Zealand: Teen Death: Kronic's Role Probed
Title:New Zealand: Teen Death: Kronic's Role Probed
Published On:2011-06-18
Source:New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)
Fetched On:2011-06-22 06:03:25

An investigation is under way into what role synthetic cannabis may
have played in a car crash that claimed the life of a teenager.

Liam Christopher Stevenson, 16, died when his car crossed the centre
line and collided with a container truck on May 19 in Dunedin.

The Weekend Herald has learned that Kronic synthetic cannabis was
found in the wreckage of his car.

Yesterday, Dunedin police declined to comment as the matter was before
the coroner.

Liam, an Otago Polytechnic student, was described by his former
principal at Logan Park High School, Jane Johnson, as a "bright young
man" with a lot of ability.

The Government yesterday announced tough new measures against
synthetic cannabis.

Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne said that within weeks, the
Government would have the ability to "severely curtail" the marketing
and sale of the drugs, which mimic the effects of cannabis but are not

Last night, Prime Minister John Key told the Weekend Herald that he
backed the action.

"The sooner the better," he said.

But one health professional said the changes did not go far enough and
drugs like Kronic would still be widely available in dairies.

Dr Leo Shep, a toxicologist at the National Poisons Centre in Dunedin,
said: "We have these kids who don't know what they're doing.

"They need to be protected by the law, and they're not being protected
by the law.

"My beef is that it's so accessible. That's what I find so galling ...
You can go to your local dairy and buy it."

Synthetic cannabis products are barred under the Smoke Free
Environments Act from being sold to anyone under 18.

But Mr Dunne said police would now "feel more confident they have a
package of things to enforce".

As a restricted substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act, synthetic
cannabis will not be able to be sold at petrol stations, places where
children gather, such as recreational facilities, or where alcohol is

Products will have to be stored in child-proof containers carrying the
phone number of the National Poisons Centre, and information on
ingredients and health warnings.

The drugs will still be able to be sold at dairies, but advertising
will be restricted to within the store, in a similar way to tobacco.

Mr Dunne said those restrictions would ensure sales were largely
limited to "the person who knows that's the store to go buy it".

He denied that group now included most young people.

"I'm not sure the cat's out of the bag permanently. It's certainly
having a bit of a run around the field at the moment".

Synthetic cannabis had been due to become a restricted substance by
April, but Mr Dunne said that would now happen about mid-August.

Yesterday's announcement came after the Herald reported

* Auckland City Hospital's emergency doctors often treat one or two
synthetic cannabis users a day.

* The National Poisons Centre receives about 10 calls a month about
the drugs - a sharp increase.

* Synthetic cannabis is being sold to minors - one Newmarket dairy
sold Kronic to a 15-year-old in a Herald "sting" without asking for

The Government will also consider a Law Commission recommendation to
make firms gain permission before selling synthetic drugs.

The would-be seller would have to prove the drugs were

Such products can now be sold unless they are proven

Mr Dunne said he felt the recommendations gave a long-term solution to
regulating the drugs.

But he said action would not be taken on them until after the

"We're under certain statutory requirements and we have the
complications of a general election occurring in the middle of it."

Western Australia's Health Minister, Kim Hames, said on Monday that
the state would ban synthetic cannabinoids such as Kronic.

The law changes

* Synthetic cannabis will not be sold at petrol stations or where
alcohol is sold or at places where children gather such as
recreational facilities.

* It will be packaged in child-proof containers with information on
substances, health warnings, and the National Poisons Centre's phone number.

* Advertising will be restricted to within stores, much the same way
as tobacco.

* Changes expected by mid-August.
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