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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: OPED: The Case For Cannabis
Title:US CA: OPED: The Case For Cannabis
Published On:2011-06-06
Source:Daily Triplicate, The (Crescent City, CA)
Fetched On:2011-06-08 06:01:38

Hi, I'm Robert with City Collective. We are a group of citizens who
work together collectively to provide ourselves with an effective
remedy for our health problems in accordance with State H&S code
11362.5 and the 10th Amendment to our U.S. Constitution.

I am writing in response to the May 31 Coastal Voices piece authored
by Roger Gitlin ("Just say no to marijuana.") As a Tea Party member
like myself, I thought Mr. Gitlin would support free markets,
constitutionally limited government and fiscal responsibility. On that
notion I'd like to comment on a few of Mr. Gitlin's claims.

Drug laws do make marijuana an "entry level narcotic" or "gateway
drug." Cannabis has led to harder drugs only because our policy makes
cannabis users go only to drug dealers. See all the items around the
cash register of your local grocery store? That's impulse shopping.

Our national drug policy is responsible for leading millions of plant
users to powder. Regarding "All you need is a note from your doctor,
phony or not," a "phony note" is not accepted from legally operating,
honorable organizations. The opportunity to forge this document is
acknowledged by medical cannabis collectives and verification of the
physician's right to practice medicine in California is obtained, as
well as confirmation from the doctor's office.

Also a valid California identification is required and an agreement
not to distribute medicine to others is signed. Our group will not
enroll members under the age of 21. We have better protocol than that
of a pharmacy. At most pharmacies all you need to do is know who might
have a prescription to pick up. You can even just write "not my meds"
on the pin pad after you tell them whose prescription you're picking

Mr. Gitlin, you said, "The use of marijuana is clearly against federal
law" and although many of you would agree that cannabis is "clearly
against federal law," the truth is the U.S. Constitution protects
state rights in the 10th Amendment, and the Constitution has yet to
receive the 28th amendment banning a plant as it did for alcohol in
the 18th Amendment.

The court may not be able to duck the issue much longer. If the people
of each state choose to decriminalize marijuana in some circumstances,
the Constitution plainly reserves to them the power to do so, my Tea
Party brother. When the United States banned cannabis, though most
people had used cannabis as rope, canvas or as an unfamiliar
ingredient in the remedies commonly found in local general stores,
most had never heard of it. Now about 75 percent of adult Americans
admit to trying it, and still nobody is dead.

So, as for tolerating those who make use of cannabis, speaking
"volumes as to what we have evolved in this country," I'd remind you
that we also evolved out of segregation and into women's voting
rights. Maybe cannabis prohibition is the modern conclusion of
evolution in our country, we all win.

"Comparing alcohol and cigarettes" to cannabis "is a lame argument,"
you said, Mr. Gitlin, and it is. Alcohol causes up to 500 kids to die
from an overdose every year in our country, not to mention thousands
of innocent drivers and their families. So there is really no
comparison. Tobacco is laced with toxic additives and

"The answer is education," and you are right Mr. Gitlin. After decades
of DARE programs and advertisements exaggerating the risks of
cannabis, the "Drug War" has failed and it seems its attempts have
only intrigued our youth. The propaganda I was taught in school even
tried to scare me and my schoolmates with a guide to prison
sentencing. I now feel that was a form of terrorism (to use fear to
support your agenda and/or views or suppress in others). And yes, the
Department of Justice regularly wins five-to 10-year sentences or
more for a few plants, even for old, dying, law-complying residents in
our own state.

It seems the biggest argument against people using cannabis as
medicine is fear children will obtain it or become interested in it. I
find with my children, they are drawn to what you try to keep from
them and they remember and test everything you tell them when you're
not looking. So be honest with your kids and keep an eye on them.
Become involved with their lives.

Explain that marijuana is a drug, like alcohol and cigarettes or
aspirin and antibiotics, with powerful effects. As such, it is for
adults and seriously ill people only and should be treated with
respect. Point out that the smoke irritates the bronchial tubes.

Explain that the effects of all drugs can interfere with the physical
and hormonal changes young people experience as they enter
adolescence. If they are already having some problems, marijuana is
not going to help them and may make their problems worse. It is wrong
for kids to use marijuana, because it can interfere with their ability
to concentrate and develop properly. And if they enjoy it too much,
pot can become an expensive and time-consuming habit.

Emphasize that smoking marijuana can lead to problems at school, at
home, or with the police - problems they need to avoid for their own
sake. In addition young people are prone to become dependent on
cannabis - explain dependency and addiction.

Your first priority should be to maintain their trust. Demonizing
marijuana is not likely to convince your child to abstain from using
it, but it may damage your credibility in their eyes. Exaggerating its
effects only glamorizes pot in the eyes of a rebellious youth.

We at City Collective support policies that treat drug use as a health
issue, not a criminal justice issue, and we believe that families
should have privacy and autonomy when dealing with drug issues.

Mr. Gitlin, I have also heard rumors of arrests. I and my fellow
members are shaken and I call on my community to write to your leaders
in favor of law, sensibility, freedom, tolerance, and unity, because
divided we fall.
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