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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Liberals, Conservatives Are Not High On Decriminalization of Marijuana
Title:Canada: Liberals, Conservatives Are Not High On Decriminalization of Marijuana
Published On:2011-04-18
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Fetched On:2011-04-19 06:01:39

Green Party Would Legalize It, While NDP Favours Softening of Laws

Pot. Weed. Grass.

In spite of its many names, marijuana -and the contentious issue of
legalization -hasn't had much attention from the main party leaders
during this election campaign.

But some Canadians still want to know where federal leaders stand on the issue.

"I want to hear all the major contenders for my next prime minister
talk to me about their stance on marijuana. Whether it be
decriminalization or legalization, I don't care. Just talk about it,"
said David Robert, MTV talk-show star, in an email to canada.com.

A recent decision by the Ontario Superior Court to strike down key
parts of the act that prohibits the possession and production of
marijuana has brought the issue back into the headlines.

The federal government has 90 days in which to decide if it will
appeal the decision, which centred on access to marijuana for
medicinal purposes.

And last week, high-profile Canadian marijuana activist Marc Emery
- -imprisoned in the U.S. for selling marijuana seeds to Americans
through his Vancouver-based catalogue company -was told he can't
serve part of his five-year sentence in Canada.

So, where do the parties stand?


"While the courts have said there must be reasonable access to
marijuana for medicinal purposes, we believe it must be done in a
controlled fashion to ensure public safety," says Conservative
candidate Rob Nicholson, minister of justice in the outgoing Parliament.

The Conservatives, he said, are "not into the business of
decriminalizing marijuana. I think it sends out the wrong message to people."


Party spokesman Michael O'Shaughnessy said in an email the Liberals
are reviewing the court ruling on medical marijuana, but the Liberals
are opposed to full decriminalization.

"We would be open to examining options where possession of small
amounts for personal use would not result in a criminal record,"
O'Shaughnessy said.

The party believes, however, that "marijuana use should always be discouraged."


The Green Party platform says the Greens would legalize marijuana -then tax it.

This, according to the Greens' budget, would net $1 billion in
revenue the first year it is implemented, 2012-13, and another $1.5
billion the following year.


The party says it would adopt a harm-reduction approach to substance
abuse, permit the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes and
decriminalize possession.

The NDP voted against Toryintroduced Bill S-10, which would have
created minimum penalties for those found in possession of as few as
six marijuana plants.


The issue is not addressed in the party platform and the party did
not immediately comment. The BQ was also against Bill S-10.
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