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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: More Equity in Cocaine Sentencing
Title:US: More Equity in Cocaine Sentencing
Published On:2007-11-02
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-11 19:33:33

Revised Guidelines Lessen Disparity in Prison Terms for Crack Versus Powder.

A change in federal sentencing guidelines has quietly narrowed the
huge discrepancy in prison time for convictions involving powder
versus crack cocaine, after a 20-year battle over the issue.

Since 1988, possession of five grams of crack cocaine - an amount
equal to five packets of sugar substitute - landed a person in jail
for five years. But people caught with cocaine powder would have to
possess 100 times that amount, or 500 grams, to get the same
five-year stint behind bars.

It's known as the 100-to-1 ratio. And because most people convicted
of crack offenses are black and most convicted of powder cocaine
offenses are white, critics have long argued that the disparity
represents an egregious racial inequity in America's criminal-justice system.

This week the US Sentencing Commission, with little fanfare,
officially reduced its recommended sentences for crack-related
offenses. The commission announced last spring that it intended to
make the change, and Congress had until Nov. 1 to stop the move. It
didn't, and the revised guidelines became effective Thursday.

As a result, up to 4 in 5 people found guilty of crack-cocaine
offenses will get sentences that are, on average, 16 months shorter
than they would have been under the former guidelines. Opponents of
the 100-to-1 ratio applaud the commission's move, but they say it's
just a first step because the so-called mandatory minimum sentences
set by Congress remain on the books.

"We really commend the commission for taking this modest but
important step," says Mary Price, general counsel and vice president
of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, a Washington-based advocacy
group. "The commission has told Congress for years that the
crack-cocaine penalties are unduly and unnecessarily severe."

In a May report to Congress, the US Sentencing Commission said the
disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentencing guidelines
"continues to come under almost universal criticism from
representatives of the Judiciary, criminal justice practitioners,
academics, and community interest groups, and inaction in this area
is of increasing concern to many, including the Commission."

That was the fourth time the commission had recommended that Congress
change the law, but it never has. So the commission on its own
reduced its recommended sentences. That gives judges more discretion,
but the "mandatory minimum" law that requires five years for
possession of five grams of crack still stands.

"The commission emphasized and expressed its strong view that the
amendment is only a partial solution to some of the problems
associated with the 100-to-1 drug quantity ratio," it said in a
statement in April. "Any comprehensive solution to the 100-to-1 drug
quantity ratio would require ... legislative action by Congress." It
also urged Congress to act swiftly.

To make sense of that, one needs to understand the difference between
federal sentencing guidelines and the congressionally imposed
mandatory minimum sentences. In the 1980s, Congress created the US
Sentencing Commission to guard against "unwarranted sentence
disparities among defendants with similar criminal records who have
been found guilty of similar criminal conduct," according to the commission.

While the commission was developing its guidelines, Congress in 1986
approved a law establishing "mandatory minimum" penalties for many
drug offenses. At the time, the crack epidemic was ravaging
inner-city neighborhoods, mostly, and the related violence helped
provoke a "get tough on crime" backlash. Many lawmakers expected that
long, mandatory sentences for possessing or selling crack would
discourage drug use. And because many perceived crack to be much more
destructive than powder cocaine, Congress established the 100-to-1
ratio. In 1988, it passed another law that established a mandatory
minimum penalty for simple possession of crack cocaine.

"This wasn't a racially motivated thing," says Todd Gaziano of the
Heritage Foundation in Washington, a conservative think tank. "Crack
was destroying the inner cities; even the Congressional Black Caucus
supported it."

Since then, studies have shown that the crack-versus-powder
sentencing disparity disproportionately affects minorities. Last
year, 82 percent of crack defendants were black, according to the
sentencing commission, compared with 9 percent who were white. For
powder cocaine, it was almost the opposite: About 80 percent of
powder-cocaine defendants were white and less than 14 percent were black.

Such statistics have led many conservatives to agree that the
sentencing disparity is too harsh.

Several bipartisan bills pending in Congress would whittle the
disparity by increasing the penalties related to powder cocaine while
reducing the mandatory minimum related to crack. One
Republican-sponsored bill would simply increase the powder-cocaine
penalty to the penalty level for crack.

Critics of the 100-to-1 ratio, meanwhile, are urging the commission
to make its change retroactive. Commissioners plan a Nov. 13 hearing
to determine if that's feasible. If the change were retroactive, more
than 19,500 people now serving time for crack offenses could see
their sentences reduced by an average of 27 months.

"We believe it would be cruelly ironic to recognize and correct the
injustice of the guideline that has lengthened thousands of
sentences, and then deny the benefit to the very prisoners whose
unjust sentences they identified and relied on for evidence of its
flawed operation and injustice," says Ms. Price of FAMM.

Previously, when the commission lessened sentencing guidelines for
LSD and possession of marijuana plants, the changes were retroactive.
But that is unusual. Of 696 amendments made to guidelines since their
inception, only 25 were applied retroactively, says a commission spokesman.
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