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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MT: Cannabis: Most Polled Prefer Regulation To Repeal
Title:US MT: Cannabis: Most Polled Prefer Regulation To Repeal
Published On:2011-03-20
Source:Helena Independent Record (MT)
Fetched On:2011-04-04 20:47:21

A slim majority of Montanans favor repealing the law legalizing
medical marijuana, but in response to another question, a much larger
percentage support tightening regulations on the industry rather than
terminating the law, a new Lee Newspapers poll shows. When asked
whether they would support or oppose repealing the 2004 state law
legalizing medical marijuana, 52 percent said they'd support repeal
and 38 percent opposed it. Ten percent were undecided.

In response to another question, however, 83 percent of voters said
they favor enacting stricter regulation and licensing requirements for
medical marijuana in the state. Thirteen percent opposed tightening
the law, while 4 percent were undecided.

Another question asked voters to choose among three options: Repealing
the medical marijuana law, enacting stricter regulations or leaving
the current law intact.

The poll showed 57 percent backing stricter regulations and licensing
requirements, while 31 percent wanted to repeal the law and 11 percent
favored keeping the current law intact. The remaining 1 percent were

The poll also asked this question: "In 2004, Montana voters passed an
initiative to legal the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Would
you say the law has worked out: better than you expected, worse than
you expected or about the same as you expected?"

Fifty-three percent said the law had worked out worse than expected
and 35 percent said it turned out the same as they expected. Only 3
percent said it was better than they had expected, while 9 percent
were undecided.

The poll was taken for Lee Newspapers March 14-16 by Mason-Dixon
Polling & Research Inc. of Washington, D.C. A total of 625 registered
Montana voters from around the state were interviewed. All said they
regularly vote in Montana elections. The poll has a margin of error of
plus-or-minus four percentage points.

Medical marijuana is one of the major issues facing the 2011
Legislature, which so far hasn't agreed on a solution. A bill to
repeal the law passed the House, but a Senate committee deadlocked
over it this week and it remains in limbo. Meanwhile, Senate and House
subcommittees are working on possible bills to impose more regulatory
and licensing restrictions.

Industry supporters maintain that medical marijuana is assisting many
people who suffer from debilitating diseases, who found relief after
other prescription drugs didn't help them.

Critics, however, contend the industry has spun out of control in
Montana. The number of people obtaining cards authorizing them to use
medical marijuana skyrocketed from 3,921 in September 2009 to 28,739
in February 2011.

In follow-up interviews with Lee Newspapers, some Montanans who were
polled had strong feelings about this issue.

"I feel it needs to be repealed," said Ella Schultz of Deer Lodge, a
retired accountant. "I'm anxious about the children, about the people
that are smoking it in their house or having it in their cookies.
Marijuana is the first step. Montana is going to be a big crime place.
The mob is going to come in."

Agreeing was Jeff Bretherton, a Missoula Realtor, who said just
because it was approved by voters in 2004 that it shouldn't be changed.

"I think the law has been used as cover-up to protect some unlawful
activities," he said.

But others called for tightening up the law, not repealing

"It should be revised," said Gary Stewart, a retired Great Falls
resident. "It shouldn't be repealed. I just think it's out of control.
I've never smelled it. I've never smoked it. I'm just an old guy.
(But) I think there are some people that it helps."

Peggy Cain of Missoula, a retired nurse, advocated fixing the

"I don't think it's right to repeal something that the voters of the
state have put into the law," she said. "I'm in favor of medical marijuana."

Licensed private investigator Richard Hanson of Columbus said, "I
think fix it up. I think we need it, but, boy, I think it's being
abused as is."

Homemaker Lila Erickson of Troy said she supports leaving the law as
it is, saying: "Some people use it for medical reasons, and I think
it's a good thing."

The poll's cross tabs revealed the split between political parties and
men and women.

The strongest supporters of repealing the law were Republicans and
independents, with most Democrats against the idea. Men were more
likely to favor repeal than women.

Everyone - men, women, Democrats, Republicans and independents -
advocated stricter regulation and licensing requirements for medical

When it came to choosing whether to repeal the law, tighten it up or
do nothing, women and Democrats showed the strongest support for
enacting stricter regulations, although a majority of men did too. A
majority of Republicans favored repealing it.
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