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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: US Losing Big Drug Catch
Title:Colombia: US Losing Big Drug Catch
Published On:2011-04-01
Source:Wall Street Journal (US)
Fetched On:2011-04-04 20:00:31

BOGOTA-The U.S. and its ideological foe Venezuela are in a bitter
fight over the extradition of Walid "The Turk" Makled, an alleged
cocaine kingpin currently jailed in Colombia. And Venezuela appears to
have the upper hand.

Mr. Makled, arrested late last year on a U.S. warrant in Colombia, is
alleged to be one of the world's most important, yet little known,
drug lords. He is a "king among kingpins," says Manhattan U.S.
Attorney Preet Bharara.

At the height of his power, Mr. Makled, a Venezuelan citizen of Syrian
descent, smuggled 10 tons of cocaine a month into the U.S. from
Venezuela, according to U.S. officials. He controlled Venezuela's most
important port and allegedly added to his transport empire by, in
effect, stealing an entire airline, according to a lawsuit in
Venezuela filed by the airline's former owner.

Late Thursday, a high-ranking U.S. official said Colombia's president,
Juan Manuel Santos, told him that Mr. Makled would be extradited to
Venezuela. A spokesman for Mr. Santos declined to comment.

The U.S. has been keen to hear Mr. Makled's secrets. Venezuela has
become a huge transshipment hub for Colombian cocaine. U.S. officials
say the alleged trafficker has close ties to Venezuelan government
officials who are deeply involved in the trade. Mr. Makled himself has
told an individual he maintains contact with from prison that he had
as many as 40 Venezuelan generals and top officials on his payroll to
provide security and distribution, among other things.

"All my business associates are generals. The highest," Mr. Makled
said, according to the person who maintains contact with him in
prison. "I'm telling you we dispatched 300,000 kilos of coke. I
couldn't have done it without the top of the government."

Given Mr. Makled's allegations that top Venezuelan officials are
active in the drug trade, "Makled is like the sword of Damocles
hanging over Chavez's head," says Bruce Bagley, a Latin America expert
at the University of Miami, in reference to Venezuela's President Hugo

Venezuela says it wants Mr. Makled brought home to face charges of
drug trafficking, money laundering and murder. Mr. Chavez has long
said that U.S. accusations of drug-related corruption in Venezuela are
a plot by Washington to destabilize his government.

The decision on which country-U.S., or Venezuela-gets him has rested
in the hands of Mr. Santos, Colombia's president, who has made
improving ties with Venezuela a top priority after several years of
bad blood, including talk of a border war. Mr. Santos hosts
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez for a one-day meeting Friday.

"We expect the announcement that he will be extradited to Venezuela
when Santos and Chavez meet," says Mr. Makled's lawyer in Colombia,
Miguel Angel Ramirez.

Mr. Makled denies all the charges against him and his companies by
both Venezuela and the U.S., according to Mr. Ramirez.

If Mr. Makled is handed over to Venezuela, U.S. officials worry his
first-hand information about alleged corruption among Venezuelan
officials might never see the light of day. One possibility is that a
plea deal might silence him. Some U.S. attorneys who represent drug
traffickers also say Mr. Makled's life could be at risk in Venezuela
from drug figures.

Mr. Makled has said he has had conversations with U.S. officials in
prison. Still, if he is sent to Venezuela, "The DEA and the DOJ are
going to be pissed. They are pissed right now," says a U.S. official,
referring to the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of

But, the official adds: "Colombia is an ally. We'll talk it

The Department of Justice, the DEA, and the U.S. Attorney's office for
the Southern District of New York, where Mr. Makled has been indicted
for drug trafficking, declined to comment.

Colombia's President Santos has worked hard since his election last
year to "reset" relations with Venezuela. In November, he promised to
hand over Mr. Makled. Mr. Chavez praised the decision and weeks later
pulled out his checkbook, paying some $500 million of an estimated
$900 million in unpaid bills owed by Venezuela's government to
Colombian firms.

Half the detected maritime shipments of cocaine to Europe between 2006
and 2008 originated in Venezuela, according to the United Nations'
recently released 2010 World Drug Report.

In 2008, the U.S. put three of Mr. Chavez's top military officers,
including military intelligence chief Gen. Hugo Carvajal, on a
blacklist for allegedly trafficking cocaine and arms with Colombia's
communist guerrillas, known as the FARC.

One DEA document, submitted in U.S. district court in Puerto Rico in
2009 as part of an effort to freeze one of Mr. Makled's bank accounts,
says Mr. Makled bought some 7,000 kilos, or about 15,000 pounds, of
cocaine that Venezuelan military and law-enforcement officials had
stolen from major drug traffickers.

Another U.S. intelligence document, dating from 2007, says Mr. Makled
engaged in drug-trafficking activities with Gen. Carvajal, who helped
Mr. Makled's alleged drug-running hub. The document details alleged
relationships between drug traffickers, FARC and Gen. Carvajal. "The
information received...indicated that Walid Makled Garcia had strong
ties to high level members of the Venezuelan government," says the DEA
asset-freeze document. That document estimates Mr. Makled smuggled as
much as 10,000 kilos of cocaine a month into the U.S.

Although Mr. Makled denies the charges against him, he has given a
number of incendiary interviews to Venezuelan and Colombian media in
which he has said he paid top Venezuelan government officials, in some
cases, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payoffs to get government
concessions. "If I'm a drug dealer, then all of them are drug dealers,
too," Mr. Makled told Colombian television last year in an interview
from his prison cell.

Venezuelan interior minister Tareck El Aissami dismissed Mr. Makled's
accusations as politically motivated slander and an attempt to
sabotage Venezuelan efforts to fight drug trafficking.

Andres Izarra, Venezuela's information minister, declined to comment
on Mr. Makled's charges of broad government and military corruption.

The Interior Ministry and Venezuela's armed forces didn't respond to
telephone calls, emails and faxes requesting comment for this article.

Mr. Makled rose to prominence only in the past several years after a
career as a truck hijacker, according to accounts by Mr. Makled
himself, as well as details provided by a person who had business
dealings with Mr. Makled.

The son of Syrian immigrants who sold electrical appliances, he
branched out from commerce into hijacking by stealing cargo leaving
the port of Puerto Cabello and selling the proceeds at the wild-west
like free-trade zone of Maicao in Colombia, just across the border,
according to these accounts.

"I directed the most powerful criminal bands in the country for 10
years," Mr. Makled recently told the individual with whom he maintains
contact. "Every day 300 armed men went out. We stole 30 trucks a week."

In the course of that exchange, Mr. Makled said his theft was
protected by Venezuelan police and national guard. "It was a great
partnership of the government and organized crime," he said, according
to the person with whom Mr. Makled has communicated from prison.

Asked about Mr. Makled's comments regarding hijacking and alleged drug
activities, his lawyer said: "I don't have any information that would
allow me to either confirm or deny that statement."

Mr. Makled and his family created a network of shipping and export
companies between 2000 and 2004, according to Venezuelan Supreme Court
documents related to his possible extradition. The companies included
a fleet of fuel trucks and nine warehouses in Puerto Cabello,
Venezuela's most important port. Mr. Makled also had a government
concession to run the airport in Valencia, Venezuela's third largest
city and industrial hub.

Mr. Makled's rise got a boost from a 2002 general strike against Mr.
Chavez. As the Venezuelan economy ground to a halt, Mr. Makled made
his fleet of fuel trucks available to Gen. Luis Felipe Acosta Carlez,
who was then in charge of the military region of Valencia. "They were
able to solve their fuel-distribution problems, and we developed close
ties," he told Casto Ocando, a reporter for U.S. Hispanic network
Univision last month.

U.S. officials and legal documents say Mr. Makled first popped up on
the radar of U.S. law enforcement around 2004. "He was an arriviste.
He wasn't part of the narco elite," says a U.S. official. "There
opened up a lot of space to operate, and he filled it. He was very big
in transshipping drugs out of Puerto Cabello."

In 2004, Venezuelan officials with the help of the DEA seized tons of
urea, potassium chloride and ammonium sulfate, chemicals used both to
process cocaine and to make explosives, in a warehouse belonging to
one of Mr. Makled's companies in a town by the Brazilian border. The
officials concluded that the chemicals were being diverted for
criminal ends.

But in 2005, relations between Washington and Caracas deteriorated to
the point where Mr. Chavez suspended most cooperation between
Venezuela and the DEA. The case on Mr. Makled was closed that year
"due to a lack of cooperation" with the "Venezuelan law enforcement
officials investigating the diversion of the chemicals," according to
a DEA affidavit.

In 2005, Mr. Makled's main source of cocaine was a Colombian dealer
named Jose Corredor, known as Boyaco, according to the DEA
asset-freeze document. Mr. Corredor was also one of FARC's major arms
dealers: He provided "AK-47 and AR-15 assault type weapons, and
ammunition" to the Colombian guerilla group in exchange for cocaine,
which was flown from airstrips in Colombia and Venezuela, according to
Mr. Corredor's 2006 indictment in district court in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Corredor is in custody in the U.S. pending trial, according to his
lawyer, who says Mr. Corredor has no connection with Mr. Makled. Mr.
Corredor faces charges of helping terrorists obtain weapons and
communications gear.

In 2006, Mr. Makled's transport empire continued to grow. In
interviews in local media, he has said that he paid off three
officers-Gen. Acosta Carlez, who was then a state governor; Gen.
Carvajal, the head of military intelligence; and Admiral Carlos Aniasi
Turchio, the head of the Venezuelan navy-to obtain a concession to buy
and operate about half the warehouses and loading docks in Puerto
Cabello. According to DEA officials, that port is at the heart of Mr.
Makled's alleged drug operations.

Venezuela's army and navy didn't respond to emails, faxes and phone
calls seeking comment. Gen. Acosta Carlez didn't return messages
seeking comment left on his cellphone. In an interview with a
Venezuelan newspaper earlier this week, Gen. Acosta Carlez denied
accepting any payments from Mr. Makled in exchange for the

In 2008, Mr. Makled bought a controlling interest in Aeropostal SA,
then the country's largest privately owned airline, for $23 million.
Nelson Ramiz, a Cuban-born, Miami-based businessman who sold the
airline, says Mr. Makled took control but failed to pay. Mr. Ramiz has
filed a lawsuit against Mr. Makled in Venezuelan court, seeking the
return of the airline.

Mr. Makled's lawyer said, "I don't know whether he made a payment or
not to gain control of the airline."


Shipping Out

Venezuela dominates as a drug exporter to Europe, according to U.N.

Departure points for known drug shipments, by sea, from South America
to Europe, 2006-2008

Venezuela: 51%

Carribean: 11 %

Brazil: 10 %

Colombia: 5 %

Other: 23 %

Source: U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime
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