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News (Media Awareness Project) - Sierra Leone: Editorial: Sierra Leone Does Not Need Cocaine From
Title:Sierra Leone: Editorial: Sierra Leone Does Not Need Cocaine From
Published On:2008-07-22
Source:Standard Times Press (Sierra Leone)
Fetched On:2011-03-09 20:46:14

The Sierra Leonean reaction to the cocaine fiasco has been astounding. But
for few negative commentaries, most Sierra Leoneans have responded
patriotically. What setout to be a drug smuggling deal from Venezuela
through Sierra Leone, has become a setup for national unity against
illegal drugs and corruption. One fact that cannot be denied is that the
territorial rights of Sierra Leone were violated.

Who gave the pilot of the Cessna plane the permission to land in Sierra
Leone? Who Okayed the flight to take off from Venezuela?

As more details become available, it is evident that the point of
origin-Venezuela has an increased desire to smuggle cocaine than export
oil. Venezuela is one of the founding members of OPEC and is led by Hugo
Chavez. Hugo Chavez prides himself as a socialist leader and an antagonist
to the West, especially USA. Venezuela is a South American nation bordered
by Brazil, Guyana and Colombia. Its capital is known as Caracas and in
1999 became the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

It is a nation that is rich in petroleum and Chavez has presumably used
his nation's resources to advance his socialist ideologies. While the
ideals of this transformation may appear authentic, there's another side
to Chavez's reign that is catastrophic; his support for Colombian guerilla
fighters (FARC) and cocaine trafficking. Whereas petroleum is the main
resource in Venezuela, Colombia is generally recognized as a top
grower/producer of the cocaine plant.

Raw coca is the key ingredient used in the manufacturing of cocaine.

According to an article entitled "Venezuela Key route for cocaine trade,"
published in Gulf news.com, Venezuelan "military airfields" are used by
cocaine traffickers. Can Chavez say he does not know about this or is he
turning a blind eye to the narcotic trade in his nation?

Why does Chavez allow the use of Venezuelan official airfields for illegal
activities while ranting about dictators in the west? Why is he providing
safe havens for drug lords and kingpins?

Is he not guilty of double talk and standard?

Why send cocaine and not oil to Sierra Leone? Why used underdeveloped West
African nations as transit points for cocaine to Europe? These are pointed
questions for the Venezuelan leadership.

It is becoming obvious around the world that Chavez talks a 'good game'
about championing the cause of the oppressed.

However, his regime engages in oppressive and detrimental activities to
other nations.

He is on record for referring to President George Bush as the 'devil.' on
several occasions; Chavez has thrown tantrums at what he refers to as the
'imperialist' and hypocritical democracy of the west. He has called for a
new world order. Perhaps, this new world order will sprout from oil and
drug smuggling revenues.

There are several news reports that point to the escalating trafficking of
cocaine from Venezuela. There is also the notion that Hugo Chavez is fully
aware of such activities and condones them. As we search for this answer
and the answers to other questions relating to the cocaine saga, one would
like to say to Hugo Chavez, Sierra Leone does not need cocaine.

She does not need cocaine from anywhere.

One would also like to paraphrase Chavez's speech at the UN on September
20, 2006, to make clear this point.

The devil is not in the US but in Venezuela at the seat of power.

Hugo, your domineering tendencies are placing at jeopardy the drug free
existence of unsuspecting people around the world. Hugo Chavez, the devil
is in your backyard and it looks like your nation has become its

Cocaine is the devil's recipe and Sierra Leoneans do not need it. You are
doing all you can to consolidate your empire through your nation's oil
revenues and cocaine smuggling.

This in the opinion of Sierra Leoneans is not a democratic model in a
sober society.

What type of society do you create with drugs and weapons?

This writer is confident that Sierra Leoneans will stand up against using
their nation as a transit point for your imperial and illegal drugs to
Europe. Sierra Leoneans will rise against the upsurge of drug use in the

Sierra Leoneans will unite to build a democratic society in which
corruption is at its minimum.

Though Sierra Leone does not have petroleum as a natural resource; she has
pride, dignity and integrity that cannot be pawned at the corridors of
your drug barons.

Sierra Leone wants peace not drugs, tangible development not phantasm, and
genuine prosperity without prohibitions. She has experienced her own war,
and does not want to be caught in the crossfire between you and the west.
What would Sierra Leoneans tell you if given the floor?

Sierra Leoneans would speak with one voice saying; we expect an open
apology from you and your government for violating our sovereign right by
allowing a drug laden plane to take off from a military airfield in the
nation you rule. Sierra Leoneans with one voice would say, regardless of
our political affiliations, we support President Ernest Bai Koroma and his
leadership in defending our sovereign rights.

Sierra Leoneans have the unflinching will power to create a society that
is not upside down but right side up. Again, with one voice Sierra Leone
would denounce you for trying to paint our nation negatively to the rest
of the world; this is an immoral attack on the nation. Therefore, with one
voice Sierra Leoneans would say, we do not need cocaine from Venezuela.
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