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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: Column: Michael Phelps Isn't the Problem Here
Title:US WA: Column: Michael Phelps Isn't the Problem Here
Published On:2009-04-14
Source:Kent Reporter (WA)
Fetched On:2011-03-09 20:01:39

By now almost everyone has seen the photo of Olympic gold medal winner
Michael Phelps smoking marijuana. He has apologized to the world for his
"mistake." It may or may not cost him large amounts of cash in endorsement
deals. As far as his swimming is concerned, unless he starts to fire up
his bong just before he dives in the pool, I don't think he will be
affected by it.

But how will it affect us? Is this just another example of our sports
heroes taking the wrong turn down the wrong road? Does it say to our youth
that marijuana is OK to use because Michael Phelps does it? Does it say to
our older Americans' this is the problem with our youth today? No, no and

The problem is with us, not with Michael Phelps using marijuana. America
sees a fresh-faced, Olympic-sized killer in Phelps. A man with success and
a world-class ability to swim faster than anyone ever. And we like our
champions to be pure of heart and body, as clean as a baby's bottom.
America sees a new hero. But all I saw was a 22-year-old kid having a bong

I've always been in favor of legalization of marijuana for two reasons.
One: it's a natural resource. It's been growing for years naturally, right
out of the ground with no help from man whatsoever. For years we made
soap, rope, fuel, and paper and even drafted the Declaration of
Independence on hemp paper. It was only until the 1930s did we see the
fear of the unknown come out of our government. We couldn't effectively
tax marijuana so the government decided to make it illegal. And as we
know, if the government can't make any money off of it, then John Q.
Public isn't going to, either.

Two: I've seen people with multiple sclerosis, cancer and other diseases
that marijuana has plenty of medicinal uses for. It calms tremors, cures
nausea, increases appetite, and gives people who ordinarily couldn't do a
day's labor, a chance to contribute to society. Sometimes this is the only
drug theses patients can take with no side effects. We've made giant steps
with the use of medical marijuana, and we can make even bigger strides by
growing marijuana and using it for resources and medicine.

By putting into the hands of the government we can tax it, regulate it,
and sell it in liquor stores, 21-years-and-older-only to buy. The same
penalties apply for selling or using in public as now. The end result is
we can tax the heck out of a product that has never killed anyone, never
caused anyone to overdose (except on cookie dough.) And we can stop paying
millions of dollars each year in taxes to fight a war on this drug that we
will never win.

Yes, Michael Phelps apologized to the nation for his faux pas. Even heroes
have flaws. But in this case our hero is still a 22-year-old. How about we
give him a break before his picture gets ripped off of the Wheaties box?
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