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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Letter Of The Week
Title:Web: Letter Of The Week
Published On:2007-11-02
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-11 19:31:09


Peter Christopher

I read with interest Ms. Lisa Kaiser's reporting on how the Milwaukee
County district attorney views the pot scene in "Want Saner Marijuana
Laws?" (Oct. 18). Ultimate reform must come from Washington, and
like most huge issues, it will one day have its day at the

America is ever-so-slowly waking up to the folly of drug
prohibition, especially marijuana, and may one day come to know they
have been propagandized into a $42 billion a year "Blackwater"
operation that is never supposed to end, complete with asset
forfeiture, corruption, expanding prisons and drug testing. It tears
us apart as a country and we must fix it. The internecine
relationship of guns, money and drugs worldwide can only be reined in
through regulation and treatment. The talking points of the drug war
industrial complex are based on fear, gutter science and racism
thrown in when necessary, like any war--but this one is against
ourselves. I ask District Attorney John Chisholm to contact LEAP,
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, www.leap.cc, and have a visit
with his colleagues to discuss prohibition as law enforcement
professionals and not drug war sycophants.

Peter Christopher Hurdle Mills, N.C.

Pubdate - Wed, 24 Oct 2007

Source - Shepherd Express (Milwaukee, WI)

Referenced - http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n1198/a07.html
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