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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MT: Poll: Leave Cannabis Law in Place
Title:US MT: Poll: Leave Cannabis Law in Place
Published On:2011-02-21
Source:Helena Independent Record (MT)
Fetched On:2011-03-09 14:00:32

This week's Question of the Week received a heavy turnout in our
unscientific online poll and no shortage of thoughtful comments on
both sides of the issue. We asked whether the Legislature should
overturn Montana's medical marijuana law, which was approved by a
ballot initiative in 2004.

Among more than 4,000 votes cast as of late Friday afternoon, 2,417
said the lawmakers should leave the law in place, while 1,666 votes
came in in favor of repeal. Here's a sampling of some of the comments
from those who took the time to write:

. "The Republican manufactured hysteria is completely at odds with
reality. They ignore many well-established statistics, such as high
school pot use being down 27 percent, in favor of an anecdote or two.
Anecdotes like kids are prostituting themselves for pot, our
schoolyards are knee-deep in pot, and Montana, as a new drug central,
now deserves mention in the same breath as Mexico and South America.
I'm getting very tired of uninformed Repub's catering to the religious
right, and telling me how I must live my life. I wonder how many of
these same Repub's are getting big campaign donations from the alcohol

. "Repeal this scourge before it affects even more lives. Don't tax it
because it legitimizes an illegitimate activity and creates yet
another revenue stream that government then tries to protect even
though it costs more to enforce than it brings in, just like gambling
has done. Gambling has destroyed the character and culture of our
state by putting casinos filled with addicts on every street corner,
and medical marijuana is fast approaching the same with pothouses in
neighborhoods and near schools. Montanans need to stand up with the
legislators who have the courage to take this on and support immediate

. "I voted 'no' on this initiative but voters' initiatives should not
be overturned by the Legislature. The Legislature should fix its own
mess which was caused by lack of necessary statutes to define,
regulate and protect against abuse of this product."

. "The legislature should repeal the Medical Marijuana Law. Speaking
as a physician with over 40 years of experience I point to some facts.
Marijuana is not the drug of choice for any affliction. That one feels
better after consuming marijuana or a finely crafted microbrew does
not necessarily make either one therapeutic. Marijuana is not
prescribed or consumed with any view to the risk-benefit
considerations applied to the prescription of other drugs. The fact
that the vast majority of marijuana card holders are young people
complaining of "chronic pain" strains the credibility of the movement."

. "If the citizen approved medical marijuana bill has produced
unforeseen, or even foreseen by some, consequences, correct them. This
GOP mantra of repealing every bill that has any flaws, is insane. It's
simple really - it's like buying a house. Your make a decision based
on what you think will work best for you and your family. But it
doesn't mean you tear down the entire house and build a new one every
time the faucet leaks or the insulation wasn't what you expected. You
fix it!"

. "The Legislature should not have the power to repeal any initiative
authorized by Montana voters. The only thing that the Legislature
should be able to do with respect to a law passed by the initiative
process is to suggest an amendment, explain why the Legislature
believes it is necessary, and have the issue placed on the ballot for
Montanans to approve or disapprove."

. "The Legislature should not repeal Montana's Medical Marijuana law.
The voters passed this initiative. The Legislature should not revoke a
law that the voters requested. Yes, the Legislature wants to please
the base of constituents who voted them into office but they also need
to respect the wishes of the majority of Montana voters on this issue.
It is an extremely difficult process for the general public to place
an initiative on the ballot. The fact that such a controversial issue
was passed is a testament to what the voters want and they trusted the
Legislature to honor that request."
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