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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Column: Back Chat
Title:CN BC: Column: Back Chat
Published On:2010-11-24
Source:Province, The (CN BC)
Fetched On:2010-11-25 15:00:51

Province readers had mixed reactions to news that "Prince of Pot"
Marc Emery is being transferred to a jail in Georgia. Emery, serving
five years in the U.S. for mailing marijuana seeds, believes that
authorities want to send him as far from his wife, Jodie, as
possible. Join the conversation at: theprovince.com/opinion

An education

Oh, poor boy. Now he will have to learn to speak Spanish in the shower room.

A criminal, pure and simple

He was happily dealing his seeds to anyone who'd pay the cash. This
included children. Or did he ask for ID before mailing them to the
States? He is a criminal and he deserves what he gets.

Pot not a problem

Marijuana is by far the least harmful of any "mind-altering"
substances out there, even far less dangerous than legal prescription
pills and over the counter pills. If you're worried about smoke
inhalation, it can be made into food, so no damage to lungs. Why
should the government tell you what you can or can't do to your own
body with something you can grow at home?

Legalize to bust crime

Marijuana is not going anywhere. Its use has been on the rise for
years and organized criminals are profiting off it. If people were
allowed to grow a simple plant at home or buy at a corner store, they
would be out of work. Police and courts would have more time to go
after serious criminals, and taxpayers would be paying less on the
war on marijuana.

Sold down the river

Regardless of the crime and the guilty plea, it's disgusting that we
gave a citizen away. I know very strong anti-smoking advocates who
think it's appalling, too.

Canada won't protect you

He is a Canadian and broke no Canadian laws. To send him to the U.S.
makes me sick, and it infringes all of our personal rights. Be
careful what you do. If another country doesn't like it, don't expect
Canada to keep you safe. This is the lowest form of justice.

Farcical sentence

Jodie, good luck. Many people are on your side and understand what a
travesty this is. Sad to see him locked up for five years over seeds
when we let murderers get away with two years in prison.

No custom without customers

I'm surprised the Americans didn't go for the death penalty, seeing
that they are as dumb as a bag of hammers. They should have gone
after the buyers. No one forced them to buy them.

Should've fought his cause

If he committed no crime, then why would he plead guilty? If he
believed in his own innocence strongly enough, then he really should
have fought for himself. No one should feel sorry for him for being
sent to jail. I feel nothing for his wife; they are both fools.
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