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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: PUB LTE: Marijuana Legislation Based On Lies
Title:US CO: PUB LTE: Marijuana Legislation Based On Lies
Published On:2006-05-02
Source:Summit Daily News (CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 06:16:59

Unbelievable. The article "Hundreds Turn In Marijuana Users In
Boulder (SDN, April 30) is an appalling statement on the lows we've
stooped to in order to maintain our nation pogrom against cannabis consumers.

The hastily erected barrier was placed in order to stop an event
which can best be described as peaceably assembling in order to
petition the government in order to redress grievances. Or is there a
section to the Constitution I missed that says "except in the case of
pot smokers?"

And anonymous snitching? For alleged trespassing? What's next,
illegal seizure of personal bodily fluids? What happened to the
opportunity to face one's accusers?

So are we a nation built upon the ideals of liberty and founded with
a document written in order to guarantee our freedoms or are we now
ignoring our founders' efforts and sacrifices?

When laws like those instituted to prohibit cannabis (in its multiple
forms) are founded upon lies, bigotry and perjured testimony before
the Congress of the U.S., there is indeed just cause for a population
to seek redress for very valid grievances.

Allan Erickson

Drug Policy Forum of Oregon
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