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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Edu: Column: Federal Government Clouds Effort To
Title:US TX: Edu: Column: Federal Government Clouds Effort To
Published On:2010-10-28
Source:Daily Cougar (U of Houston, TX Edu)
Fetched On:2010-10-30 03:00:29

If the shifting moral consensus of Americans was ever in doubt, look
no further than Proposition 19. This proposition represents the single
most groundbreaking stride in the legalization of marijuana, while it
simultaneously represents a full out cultural shift of mindsets in

The long-standing taboo against the evils of marijuana is slowly
breaking. The glorification of marijuana is ever more prevalent in
today's society, as shown heavily in Prop 19. California voters young
and old are anxious to try and pass the proposition during the state's
midterm elections.

The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 would allow any
person over the age of 21 to possess, cultivate and transport up to an
ounce of marijuana for personal use, as well as permit local
governments to regulate and tax commercial production.

Years ago, a similar proposition would have been out of the question.
The ending of the prohibition on marijuana is seemingly in the grasp
of Americans, which has come much faster than many have

Proposition 19 represents the hard work of many Americans who wonder
why these steps toward legalization haven't come sooner -- and leaves
many other Americans asking what has happened to degrade our society
to a level that tolerates legal pot.

Californians are chomping at the bits to vote on Proposition 19, with
early polls and surveys showing a pretty even split between voters.
However, the federal government has recently stated their stance on
the proposition and has said they would continue to come down hard on
marijuana users despite state law if the proposition is passed.

It's growing increasingly more obvious that Proposition 19 will not
pass in California. With federal law enforcement agencies already
stating they will continue to abide by the Controlled Substances Act,
legalization is almost useless -- doing nothing more than adding
confusion to California state marijuana laws.

The aftermath of Proposition 19 would result in DEA raids on citizens
who believe they're abiding by the law and a flood in the courts of
each county in California to set up regulation requirements.

The national government is not ready to accept the desires of many US
residents who support the legalization of marijuana. Los Angeles
Country Sherriff Lee Baca and US Attorney General Eric Holder are
remaining steadfast in the current approach of drug

President Barack Obama himself has stated he is against the
legalization of marijuana, and for good reason. The citizens of the
United States are not responsible enough to handle legal pot at this

The evidence can be seen in the way the media overreacts and portrays
marijuana. Another example is the irresponsible way in which many
recreational marijuana users react to and handle the drug.

The future for weed smokers does not hinge on passing of Proposition
19. People will continue to smoke pot, no matter what. However,
adjustments must be made to the way our government chooses to deal
with marijuana -- and they can be made without the full-out
legalization of the drug.

The Drug Enforcement Administration lists marijuana as a Schedule I
drug, which means weed is considered as harmful and dangerous as
heroin and PCP. Taking marijuana off the DEA's Schedule Drug listing
would be a step in the right direction.

As of now, the US federal government does not recognize any of
marijuana's medicinal uses. The recognition and decriminalization of
medical marijuana would end much of the legal gray area-surrounding

The prohibition on marijuana will one day end, but not until we as a
society take marijuana off the pedestal we've placed it on. Both sides
arguing over Proposition 19 make marijuana out to be something it's

Weed is not a misunderstood revolutionary cash crop super-drug that
will make Americans think clearer and single-handedly fix the economy,
nor is it a demonic gateway drug that will lead to the downfall of our

Yes, the legalization of marijuana will aid the economy through
taxation of the drug. Legalization will also make the DEA focus its
energy on cracking down on more threatening and harmful drugs.

Decriminalization would also aid the DEA and local police departments
in depopulating overcrowded jails by not filling them with pot
dealers, which would make room for more violent and dangerous
offenders at the same time.

Despite any benefits, marijuana's impact on our culture alone is
disheartening. Its stereotypes, urban legends and glorification among
the youth of our country must all diminish before pot becomes legal.

Proposition 19 means well, and one day marijuana will change our
country for the better -- but not anytime soon.

As of now, Proposition 19 is nothing more than a symbol for the
changing times of our country. The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis
Act of 2010 represents the innovative, liberal and promising hope for
the future of America.

Zeke Barrera is a communications sophomore.
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