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News (Media Awareness Project) - US HI: Sending A Meth Message - Does It Work?
Title:US HI: Sending A Meth Message - Does It Work?
Published On:2010-09-19
Source:Honolulu Star-Advertiser (HI)
Fetched On:2010-09-20 03:01:14

Meth Project Backers Hail Results But Doubt Rises Over Lasting Success

For the second year, graphic television ads showing actors portraying
pathetic and physically damaged drug addicts remind people about the
danger of methamphetamine -- but does the scary message work?

"It does not prevent future use. They're not effective," Jeanne Y.
Ohta, executive director of the Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii, says of
the frightening TV commercial prepared by the Hawaii Meth Project.

The project and similar programs in six other states are patterned
after the Montana Meth Project, launched in 2005 and hailed by White
House drug czar John Walters a year later as "a model for prevention
efforts nationwide."

Cindy Adams, executive director of the Hawaii Meth Project, says
recent studies questioning the effectiveness of the Montana project
and those that have followed are mistaken.

Those studies maintain that the decline in meth use stretches back a
decade or more, rendering the recent projects as useless or close to it.

The rate of meth use among Montana high school students declined
after the meth project was launched. However, accounting for the
downward trend of meth use apparent at the end of the 1990s rendered
the project's effect "small and statistically insignificant,"
reported Montana native D. Mark Anderson, Ph.D. candidate at the
University of Washington, in a study published in the current Journal
of Health Economics.

Much of American society was aware of the dangers of methamphetamine
long before Montana and other states began their projects, Anderson
said in an interview.

"This information was being disseminated and spread amongst social
networks, peer groups, families, whatever, well before the national
campaign took place," Anderson said. "If this campaign had come into
place as soon as meth was introduced, maybe it would have had a more
noticeable effect."

A 2006 federal law that required medicines containing
pseudoephedrine, an ingredient in meth, to be moved behind a counter
and limited a person's purchase of it is believed to have contributed
to the decline in meth use. Also, a study published last month in the
scientific journal Addiction showed that Mexico's recent efforts to
control the manufacture of methamphetamine has resulted in a drop in
meth treatment admissions in neighboring Texas. Most crystal meth
available in Hawaii is believed to have been produced in Mexico and California.

Illustrating the issue, Anderson included a graphic showing that
Montana's decline in meth use before and after its Meth Project was
launched was similar to the declines in neighboring Wyoming, which
launched its Meth Project in 2008, and North Dakota, which has no
entity similar to the projects. Hawaii's trend, added to the graphic
on this page, is similar leading up to its Meth Project launching
last year after the survey was conducted.

Success or failure is measured by surveys of use by young people.
Montana high school students admitting to at least one past meth use
in their lives dropped from 8.3 percent in 2005 to 4.6 percent in
2007, "an absolute drop of only 3.7 percent and a relative drop of 45
percent (3.7 is 45 percent of 8.3)," Australian psychologist David
Erceg-Hurn noted in the December 2008 journal Prevention Science.
"However, it is the '45 percent' drop that is highlighted on the Meth
Project website and in media releases."

In describing the pre-project problem on media releases and on its
website, Hawaii Meth Project cited a 2007 biennial Youth Risk
Behavior Survey showing that 7.3 percent of Hawaii high school
sophomores admitted having used meth, "up 87 percent from 2005,"
indicating an absolute rise from 3 percent.

Adams maintains that "rates of decline" are more telling than
"percentage point declines" when comparing survey numbers in state comparisons.

That 2007 survey result was the only one in the past decade
indicating that admitted meth use among Hawaii high school youths
increased from two years previously, from 4.3 percent to 4.5 percent,
mainly because of the sophomores' responses. The survey indicates
admitted previous meth use by 5.2 percent of freshmen, 1.1 percent of
juniors and 3.2 percent of seniors.

Hawaii's 2009 survey result shows previous meth use by high school
students declined to 3.9 percent. Individual class records indicating
how the survey of the 2007 sophomores differed from the one taken in
their senior year of 2009 were unavailable.

Ohta says the project's TV commercials are misleading. When viewers,
especially young people, look at the commercials, they will say, "I
know someone who uses meth, and they don't look like that," Ohta
said. "So it loses credibility with a certain population of students."

The ads also portray meth addicts as being violent, losing their
teeth or having skin problems, but those conditions are not always
the case, Ohta said. "So what happens is that at school, teachers
look at students and they say, 'My students don't look like that so
we don't have a meth problem.'"

Adams said the conditions portrayed on the ads reflect the real
effects of meth use.

"Not everybody is going to look like the meth addicts that we're
showing in the ads," Adams said, "but I know meth addicts to look
like that, and I've had people in recovery come up to me and tell me
that is what they look like, or that is what their uncle looked like
before he committed suicide, or that their daughter lost a tremendous
amount of weight."

The Montana project was begun with private funds but in 2007 received
$2 million from Montana's legislature and $1.5 million in federal
funds. The Hawaii Meth Project operates on $1 million yearly in
private donations.

Adams said the project is not "standing alone" but works with other
programs aimed at preventing illicit drug use and with counselors and
law enforcement agencies.

"Everybody is working very diligently," she said.
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