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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: Column: Medical Marijuana Law: Bad Weed
Title:US MI: Column: Medical Marijuana Law: Bad Weed
Published On:2010-09-17
Source:Detroit News (MI)
Fetched On:2010-09-17 15:01:02

In 2008, Michigan voters were asked to approve a measure that would
legalize marijuana for "medicinal purposes." A large majority said,
"Like, sure, dude."

What could go wrong?

Plenty. It usually does when laws are passed under fraudulent
pretenses - such as the pretense that the supporters of "medical
marijuana" are interested in anything apart from the desire to get
stoned without running afoul of the cops.

But they played the so-called compassion angle to the hilt, and
enough people actually believed that the purpose of this law was to
relieve the pain of cancer patients or those with so-called chronic
back pain. So the same voters who showed up at the polls that day to
help send Barack Obama to the White House figured they might as well
give the thumbs-up to this too. They were already in a
politically-induced stupor. Might as well try one of the
chemically-induced variety as well.

As you might expect from a law written for -- and probably by -- pot
smokers, nothing makes sense here.

The law does not require that pot-smokers get their "medicine" from a
properly regulated pharmacy, like they would get any other legal
drug. It does not include any provision to deal with so-called
"dispensaries," where Bubba the Back Pain Faker brings his doctor's
note to Arlo the Hippie and picks up his stash, while his party
friends wait outside in the car.

So what do we have today? Municipalities all across Metro Detroit
have placed moratoriums on these dispensaries, while they wait for
someone to figure out how to properly regulate them. Oakland County
Sheriff Mike Bouchard, expecting people to actually follow the law as
it's written, recently staged a massive raid that prompted the
stoners - er, sorry, "patients" - to complain of police harassment in
the manner you'd expect from college students who can't believe the
cops were so bogus as to make them turn down their volume on their
12-foot-high speakers at 6 in the morning.

To hell with the fuzz, man!

And in Waterford Township, you can now join the "Compassion Club"
(for $20 up front, you understand . . . compassion can't just be
given away), where you can join 450 (!) other members who gather
together and, um, "take their medicine."

Of course! When your grandmother takes her arthritis pills, she
always goes out to a nightclub and pops them en masse with 400 other
blue hairs, right? Who medicates alone?

Michigan voters, you were suckered. Electing Democrats like Jennifer
Granholm, Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, I can somewhat understand
because so many of you have been brainwashed by your union leaders -
and because Michigan Republicans have a habit of nominating stiffs.

But this? Seriously. Dude. You didn't understand -- when you voted
for this -- that "medical marijuana" is nothing more than a scam to
make it easier for weak-minded individuals -- people who can't find a
way to relax or deal with life via natural methods -- to toke up? You
really bought that whole compassion thing? You really thought it was
all about pain relief and not about the desire of a bunch of losers
to sit around and get stoned?

At the "Compassion Club"?

Suckers. Some people will believe anything.
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