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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Edu: Column: Should Marijuana Be Legalized -
Title:US CA: Edu: Column: Should Marijuana Be Legalized -
Published On:2010-09-09
Source:Daily Titan (Cal State Fullerton, CA Edu)
Fetched On:2010-09-11 03:00:32

Legalization of marijuana in California is inevitable. Given the
outrageous deficit and the apparent lack of anything resembling
intelligence by our state's government, 2010 seems like the right
time for the law to go into effect right? After all, it is projected
that if legalized and taxed, over $1.4 billion a year in tax revenue
will go into the states coffers.

But hold up a second. Turn down the Peter Tosh record and put down
the Funyuns. Lets think about this for just a second. Is legalization
really a smart choice?

Absolutely not.

Yes, I am aware there have been no recorded overdoses from pot. Yes,
it is a lot less harmful then other legally regulated substances such
as alcohol and tobacco. But if you legalize pot, what are you really


The entire productivity of California will go right down the drain.
"But pot helps me create, man." Yes, it helps you create a day of
watching cartoons and eating way too much fast food.

The current system of marijuana being medically available to those
who "need" it to help with a medical condition is fine. Notice the
quotes on the word need. If your "migraines" are bad and you get your
licence from a "doctor," who am I to say that it is wrong.

However by legalizing pot to anyone over 21, we are risking turning
California's entire population into zombies. Hungry,
classic-rock-loving zombies.

I really don't even know why we are bothering to vote on this to
begin with. Most of the stoner population of California will be too
high to even remember to vote anyways.

Besides, with the government of California taxing and controlling
marijuana sales, it kind of eliminates half the fun of pot to begin
with. That feeling of doing something wrong, of maybe getting caught.
The knowledge of walking into a fast-food joint with your friends at
2 a.m. knowing that you are "tripping out" and devouring half the
menu while normal citizens are none the wiser.

I won't tell you how to vote. I won't even tell you how I am going to
vote on Proposition 19 come November. But I will urge you to really
consider just what legalization of marijuana means for the state of California.
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