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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AL: PUB LTE: Cast a Vote for Compassion
Title:US AL: PUB LTE: Cast a Vote for Compassion
Published On:2010-08-29
Source:Anniston Star (AL)
Fetched On:2010-09-04 03:01:21

Re "Anniston man finds one state's medicine is another's illicit drug"
(News article, Aug. 18):

Thanks to The Star for the article on Michael Lapihuska's situation.
Michael's predicament clearly demonstrates the need for Alabama to
pass comprehensive medical marijuana legislation.

What happened to Michael is a complete miscarriage of justice. Since
when is geographic location used to determine whether someone is a
patient or a criminal? If Michael's doctor recommended marijuana for
his treatment, then who are the cops/courts to decide whether he can
have that treatment? Cops and judges haven't been to medical school.
They are not doctors. Their solution to every problem is taser, shoot,
abuse and/or imprison. Clearly, that isn't how we want to treat
patients in Alabama. It isn't against the law to be sick or to try and
alleviate one's own suffering.

The state of Alabama should respect the laws and professional licenses
of other states. An Alabama patient living in a state that recognizes
marijuana as a valid medical treatment should not have to fear
returning home to visit family and friends. They should be able to
bring their medicine with them, without fear of arrest and
imprisonment. As it stands now, any Alabama patient living in a
medical marijuana state must decide between risking arrest and
imprisonment if they bring their medicine, not bringing their medicine
and thereby compromising their health, or deciding to never return
home again. Imagine if the medicine in question was seizure medication
or blood pressure pills. Only barbarians would uphold such a terrible

Alabamians for Compassionate Care will reintroduce medical marijuana
legislation in the 2011 legislative session. This bill would protect
patients like Michael Lapihuska by recognizing medical marijuana
patients from other states. Please contact your representative and ask
them to support the Compassionate Care Act when it comes before them
in 2011.

Loretta Nall

Executive Director

Alabamians for Compassionate Care

Alexander City
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