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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: Petition Calls For Marijuna Question On Fall Ballot In River
Title:US WI: Petition Calls For Marijuna Question On Fall Ballot In River
Published On:2010-09-02
Source:Pierce County Herald (US WI)
Fetched On:2010-09-04 03:00:42

RIVER FALLS - River Falls voters may see a referendum question about
medical marijuana on the ballot when they step into the booth during
the November election. City Council Member Bob Hughes filed with the
city clerk's office Wednesday, Aug. 25, a petition for direct
legislation bearing 800+ signatures.

The question petitioners want added to the ballot: "Should the
Wisconsin Legislature enact legislation allowing residents with
debilitating medical conditions to acquire and possess marijuana for
medical purposes if supported by their physician?"

City Clerk Lu Ann Hecht confirmed that Hughes had submitted the
petition a few days before the deadline and had the required number of
signatures. She has forwarded the petition to the city attorney for

He'll determine if it warrants a direct-legislation referendum or an
advisory referendum. After that is determined, the City Council will
decide whether to add the question to the ballot.

Hecht was not yet sure what specific action a direct-legislation
referendum would motivate. The city attorney was not available to
comment just before press time.

Hughes said he began gathering signatures after, "Some community
members contacted me about it and asked if I was willing to help."

He said many people believe that somebody with a debilitating medical
condition should have access to whatever a doctor thinks would help.
He said the petition and referendum question advises state legislators
to take action, to pass a law.

It shows them what the people want and represents another step in the
process to make medical marijuana legal in Wisconsin.

Hughes said his interest grew after he went with a group of
constituents to Madison to lobby for the law during the last
legislative cycle. He met activists Gary Storck and Jacki Rickert and
says they are nice, good people.

He said, "This is about people with serious, serious medical
conditions," adding that even when a doctor advises it, those using
marijuana are treated like criminals. "When you look into those
people's eyes, the last thing I would want to do is treat them like

Hughes said he did not encounter any adverse reactions as he made the
rounds in River Falls seeking signatures for the petition. He said
about 70% of the people who opened their door supported the effort.

He sees the referendum question as very important and emphasized,
"Voters are the most important poll we can take."

Marijuana matters

Gary Storck lives on the east side of Madison, has pushed for
legalization of medical marijuana for 40 years, and thinks the
referendum question is an important tool that will help educate voters
and promote understanding of the issues.

"There's so many reasons we need to look at it," he said, adding about
those who oppose the law: "Basically they're going against something
very natural."

Storck started the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana
Laws (NORML) and directs the "Is My Medicine Legal Yet?" movement. He
said 14 states have legalized medical marijuana, which means about 30%
of the U.S. population now approves of using marijuana for medicinal

He said a look at Senate Bill 368 or Assembly Bill 554 shows for what
diseases and conditions the marijuana could be used: Cancer, glaucoma,
AIDS, Crohn's, hepatitis C, Alzheimer's, amytrophic lateral sclerosis,
nail patella syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos and post traumatic stress. The
list also includes chronic or debilitating diseases that cause wasting
or severe pain, nausea, seizures or spasms.

Storck said he's seen and heard how it helps people reduce their pain,
regain an appetite and generally improve.

"I've suffered from ill health all my life," Storck said, adding that
he first smoked marijuana in the 1970s and noticed it relieved the
pressure from glaucoma that was blinding him. "He (doctor) found my
pressures were normal instead of highly elevated."

Storck became an activist not long after that and in the course of his
work, met Jacki Rickert, after whom many medical marijuana bills are
named. She suffers from Ehlers-Danlos disease, and Storck says she's
in pain every waking moment.

"For her it's been a godsend," he said about medical

Storck says the bill was introduced during Wisconsin's last
legislative session but died in committee. He agrees that the
referendum question is another way to show legislators that the people
want the bill passed into law.

He said, "Sponsors of the bill urged us to keep the momentum going and
put advisory referendums on local ballots."

Their efforts brought success in Dane County. Stork said the question
will go on the ballot in Dane, the state's second largest county. He
thinks some board members were against it but changed their minds
after hearing testimony.

He said all ages of people including seniors are finding marijuana
helpful for their conditions. Many say it is infinitely better than
the harsh drugs doctors prescribe that often have foul side effects.

Storck also says more people are experimenting with how marijuana may
help other conditions not yet on the accepted list, such as autism and
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