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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IA: PUB LTE: What Rush Says What Rush Does
Title:US IA: PUB LTE: What Rush Says What Rush Does
Published On:2006-05-02
Source:Iowa City Press-Citizen (IA)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 05:50:44

Rush Limbaugh has reached a pretty favorable plea bargain (his lawyer
calls it an "agreement") regarding prescription abuses relating to
his drug dependency.

He is paying a $30,000 fine (his lawyer calls it a payment to defray
the public cost of the investigation) which represents something like
two hours' income for the radio host.

What do you want to bet that if it had been a Democrat or liberal in
exactly the same situation, Rush would be on the radio proclaiming
that a bleeding-heart, weak-kneed prosecutor had given a dangerous,
immoral criminal a slap on the wrist instead of throwing the slime in
prison where he belongs?

I'm not saying that would have been the proper punishment for
Limbaugh. But that's most likely what he would have said.

Herb Brant

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