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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: Horn Too Busy To File Forms
Title:US CA: Column: Horn Too Busy To File Forms
Published On:2010-07-11
Source:North County Times (Escondido, CA)
Fetched On:2010-07-11 15:02:30

What the heck is the matter with you people, bothering the great Bill
Horn with all these petty complaints about what bureacratic forms he
did or didn't file before having work done on his home? His own home,
for goodness sake, built with his money that he earned.

It's hard to see what right the government could possibly have to
tell people what to do on their own land. Even if he did do the work
without the proper paperwork being filed, that's all it is, paperwork.

Look, he's a busy guy, Bill Horn. Only 24 hours in a day, and when a
man's got as many campaign donors, fellow business owners and other
high-falutin' types to schmooze, sometimes there just isn't enough
time to get all the little details just right.

So he's filling out the forms now, OK?

The way the media's acting, though, you'd think the man was behaving
in a really despicable manner, trying to operate a medical marijuana
clinic or something. Those people are the real threat to law and
order, you know ---- but does the media even investigate them? No,
those socialist wackos just fixate on some idiotic ballot measure
passed by a bunch of potheads and hippies. Like we really want our
government obeying every moronic thing the voters approve.

Those people, the ones running the medical marijuana clinics, they
show nothing but contempt for proper authority and rule of law.
"Medical," my rear end! How many of those "doctor's recommendations"
do you think are even real? I was glad to see that big bust of the
pot clinics. How many of them filled out all their forms? Huh?

That's what I thought.

So yeah, Horn didn't fill out the proper forms for a trailer a hired
hand was living in on his ranch a couple of years back, either, but
it's not like he was trying to pull a fast one like these pot
dispenaries, going through the motions of obeying the law so they can
do illegal stuff.

The law is whatever the county Board of Supervisors says it is. What
Bill Horn says it is.

The voters elected Bill Horn to run things, OK? If he says pot
dispenaries aren't welcome in San Diego County, then by gum, they're
not welcome. And if he decides building permits are an unreasonable
imposition on a man's right to do what he wants with his own
property, then that's what they are. Unless he changes his mind. Then
they aren't.

Anyway, you people should be happy you have a man as great as Bill
Horn to run your county for you. Although I don't mind saying that
term-limits thing has me confused. I mean, the voters love Bill Horn
- - why would they pass a rule that he can't be re-elected after two more terms?

I'm going to have to wait to see whether Bill Horn thinks term limits
are real or not.
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