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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN SN: PUB LTE: Too Little Correctional Activity
Title:CN SN: PUB LTE: Too Little Correctional Activity
Published On:2006-05-10
Source:Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 05:24:49

On May 3, I visited a close family member at the Regina Correctional
Facility. I never leave there feeling good, but that night I left
feeling unusually distraught.

For starters, not only is the place run-down and ill kept -- which
stands to reason, as the building is a million years old -- it is
also downright depressing. Yes, I am aware of the new construction
about to take place, but there is a whole building full of
able-bodied men not doing much of anything -- how about cleaning the
old place and maybe giving it a coat of paint or two? It is, after
all, their temporary home. Just a suggestion . .

The condition of the building itself is, however, the least of my
concerns. Now, call me simplistic, but since the place is called a
"correctional facility", wouldn't one expect that there might be some
"correction" going on there? It is my understanding that a
corrections worker must have formal education in the field of
"corrections" and/or hold a degree or certificate in the field of
human services. While they are working with the clients, one would
think that they would be doing some teaching, counselling, positive
interaction, or at least something!

There are many dedicated professionals employed there, a few of whom
I have had the pleasure of meeting. Unfortunately, there are always
those who let their ego get the best of them. I'm told that some
enjoy movie watching, card playing, music listening and a host of
other leisure activities while on shift -- and take pleasure in
treating the clients as though they are second-rate humans and not
worthy of the air that they breathe. When is the "correction" going
to take place -- on commercial breaks?

Can someone please explain to me how the wrongdoers are receiving any
correction? How can these individuals even begin to change their ways
when they have some big burly "corrections worker" all hopped up on
their own testosterone, or estrogen as it were, shouting obscenities,
calling these men pieces of s- -t, modeling the same behaviours that
got the inmates a "room at the inn" in the first place?

Here is a concept: Treat your clients with the respect and dignity
that every human being deserves and chances are you will get it back.
Perhaps you won't be spit at, or worse, on a regular basis. Please be
clear, I am, in no way painting all corrections workers with the same
brush. Unfortunately, as is often the case, "a few bad apples spoil the bunch".

Our prison is full of individuals afflicted by one addiction or
another. Yet there is little or no programming available to assist
them in their recovery, if they so choose. These people literally sit
and rot in prison. Why aren't we offering them support to make
positive changes in their lives? It is imperative that these
individuals are given the tools to make their lives better, allowing
them to re-enter society and become productive, law-abiding citizens.

With no programming in place to assist positive change, we might just
as well install a revolving door. You might say the inmates were
given this opportunity before they landed themselves in jail, and you
may be right. But what is the alternative? They serve their measly
sentences and head back out on the street with the same attitudes and
beliefs they had when they arrived.

If one chooses to break the law, one must be held accountable. Of
this I am sure. But what are we doing to facilitate those who want to
regain their freedom and make positive choices for themselves and
their families? Granted, not every individual will choose another
path -- but at the very least, they ought to be provided with the
opportunity to do so and to realize their potential.

I have a message for corrections workers -- every day you have the
opportunity and the privilege to make a difference in someone's life.
That small kindness you extend, the words you say or the pat on the
back you give, could be the turning point for that person. Everyone
needs to feel that they are of value and that what they do is not
necessarily who they are. Model the behaviour you wish to see in the
people you work with every day. Expect only the best from these men
and see them for who they are, not what they've done.

The job you do is not an easy one -- that I recognize and appreciate
and although the choice is ultimately theirs to make, I challenge you
to put the "correction" back into the correction facility where it
belongs -- one inmate at a time.

C.D. Olson

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