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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Drugs Tsar's Links to Aristocrats Group Lobbying to
Title:UK: Drugs Tsar's Links to Aristocrats Group Lobbying to
Published On:2010-04-04
Source:Daily Mail (UK)
Fetched On:2010-04-11 16:36:48

The Government's new drugs tsar is listed as an adviser to a shadowy
foundation run by an aristocrat lobbying to liberalise laws on
mind-altering drugs.

Professor Les Iversen is head of the official Advisory Council on the
Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), which is currently at the centre of the
debate over regulating mephedrone -- known as M-Cat or Meow Meow.

But the Beckley Foundation, a controversial charity campaigning
against anti-drug regulations, claims he is one of its key advisers.

The foundation is run by Amanda, Lady Neidpath -- dubbed Lady
Mindbender -- who admits using drugs herself, including cannabis and
LSD, and says one of her two children has also been a heavy user.

Professor Iversen -- the third senior Government drugs adviser to be
linked to the organisation -- does not declare his connection to it
on the Home Office's register of interests.

Last night he claimed he no longer had anything to do with the
organisation, but its website yesterday still listed him as one of
its panel of 13 scientific advisers. The listing was most recently
updated last month.

Lady Neidpath, 67, said yesterday: 'He, like many important people in
this field, agreed to be on our advisory panel. We don't meet, but
Professor Iversen has never asked me to remove him from our
scientific advisers list.'

Last night one senior Tory MP called on the professor to resign as
head of the ACMD.

The foundation says its work is to 'direct and support world-class
research into the practices used to alter our conscious states, and
the policies that seek to regulate some of these practices'.

In 2003, Professor Iversen wrote a paper for the foundation comparing
the effects of alcohol and cannabis, and concluded that alcohol was
more dangerous. It led him to question why cannabis was illegal when
alcohol was not.

At the time, he said: 'Cannabis should be legalised, not just
decriminalised, because it is comparatively less dangerous than the
legal drugs alcohol and tobacco.'

But Professor Iversen now says this is no longer his position. He
said: 'That was a view I had in 2003 and a great deal has happened
since then.

'As a scientist it is only right that I should be guided by the best
available evidence. As the evidence develops in the drugs field, it
is to be expected that individuals will refine their judgments.'

However, his association with the Beckley Foundation publicly
continued until at least 2005, when he gave a speech on The Medical
Potential Of Cannabis at a seminar for the organisation at the House
of Lords.

The event was hosted by Lord Mancroft, the Conservative politician
and former heroin addict.

Described as ;the most knowledgeable parliamentarian on the subject
of drugs', the Eton-educated peer has been the chairman of the
Addiction Recovery Foundation since 1989 and is also chairman of the
Drug and Alcohol Foundation.

Lord Mancroft supports prescribing heroin on the NHS, saying it could
'stabilise the lives of those addicts dependent on an ever-growing
black market' and has called for a major rethink in drug-control
policy, saying: 'You can't ban these drugs because people want them.'

Last night, an ACMD spokesman said: 'Professor Iversen has presented
to the Beckley Foundation. However, he is not employed by them.

'Professor Iversen has presented the evidence concerning the harms of
cannabis to the Beckley Foundation in an adviser capacity.

'Professor Iversen has publicly stated that he fully supports the
report that the ACMD produced in April 2008 concerning its
consideration of cannabis. The ACMD believe that cannabis is a harmful
drug and poses a real threat to the health of those who use it.'

Last month the Beckley Foundation called for the reintroduction of LSD
for medical use. It paid for a series of clinical trials to study its
effects on the human brain.

In 2008, the foundation published a 226-page document - the Global
Cannabis Commission Report - examining the use, prohibition and
control of cannabis.

The report, which cost the charity more than UKP80,000, was launched at
the House of Lords and urged the lifting of criminal convictions for
use or possession.

Lady Neidpath was brought up in the Oxfordshire manor house from which
the Beckley Foundation operates.

Her foundation publicly says it examines links between drug use and
creativity, as well seeking to provide a scientific base for changing
current drugs laws.

Lady Neidpath, who admits taking cannabis and psychedelic drugs
including magic mushrooms, mescaline and LSD, has said: 'I have always
considered myself my own best laboratory.'

She does not think cannabis is harmless, although she believes it is
'a lot less bad' than tobacco or alcohol.

And she says that if cannabis was authorised, it could be properly
labelled, and Government-controlled.

Her husband Jamie - Lord Neidpath - was a close friend of the Queen
Mother and a regular at parties on the luxury Caribbean retreat of
Mustique with Princess Margaret and her lover Roddy Llewellyn. Now in
his 60s, he also features in Andy Warhol's diaries as part of the
artist's louche New York set.

Now in his 60s, he also features in Andy Warhol's diaries as part of
the artist's louche New York set.

Last night Lady Neidpath confirmed she still considered that Professor
Iversen was a scientific adviser to her organisation.

She said: 'I have a great admiration for him. I think he is an
excellent person to head up the Government's drugs advisory committee.

'The last time I asked him to talk at one of our seminars he said he
couldn't because of his Government role. I completely

She added: 'He has never asked me to remove him from our advisers list
but I suppose if people now make a great fuss about it he may ask me
to remove his name.'

The revelations about Professor Iversen and the Beckley Foundation
come after Eric Carlin, a member of the ACMD, resigned following the
decision to ban mephedrone.

Yesterday Mr Carlin, who has attended seminars run by the Beckley
Foundation, said Ministers had pledged to ban the drug to appear to be
'acting tough' in the run-up to the General Election.

He said experts were being ignored and the advisory council was 'not
doing its job'.

Two former Government drug tsars are also involved in the Beckley

Co-director Mike Trace, who for four years under Tony Blair was
Britain's deputy drugs tsar, quit a UN post after it was revealed that
he intended to use it to try to promote making cannabis and other
dangerous drugs legal across the world.

Mr Trace fell out with his bosses at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime
after his attempt to set up a pressure group devoted to the cause of
legalising drugs was made public.

In November, Professor David Nutt, a scientific adviser to the
foundation, was sacked as head of the ACMD after insisting that the
use of alcohol and cigarettes poses a greater danger than cannabis and
ecstasy. Home Secretary Alan Johnson said he no longer has confidence
in his policy advice.

Professor Nutt last week said mephedrone - the so-called 'legal high'
known as Meow Meow - should be handed out in nightclubs rather than
banned. He argued that doling out small amounts of the drug with
guidance on its use would be 'safer' than banning it.

Professor Iversen became the new interim chairman of the Advisory
Council on the Misuse of Drugs in place of Professor Nutt in January.

The retired Oxford University professor of pharmacology is a
specialist in neuropharmacology, the study of how drugs or chemicals
affect the brain and nervous system.

In 1998, he acted as the key specialist adviser to a report into
cannabis by the House of Lords' respected Science and Technology
Committee which concluded that the Government should allow doctors to
prescribe cannabis for medical use but said the ban on recreational
use of cannabis was justifiable.

He wrote a book, The Science Of Marijuana, detailing the advances made
in understanding marijuana and the balance between benefits and risks
of using the plant in medicine.

Cannabis has never been legalised for medicinal use in the UK - but
Professor Iversen has been at the heart of the debate over its

He was a member of the committee when it recommended downgrading
cannabis from Class B to Class C in 2004. He was still a member when
former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith reversed that decision in 2008.

Last night, former Tory Home Office Minister Ann Widdecombe called on
Professor Iversen to resign as head of the ACMD.

She said: 'The fact that he was prepared to lend his name to a body
pushing for softer policies on drug use means he should not be
advising the Government on this issue.
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