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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Keeping The Lights On
Title:Web: Keeping The Lights On
Published On:2010-02-12
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2010-04-02 12:51:07

Electricity is an interesting phenomenon. It gives light to see
clearly in the dark. With clarity, we perform better; trip over
fewer obstacles. Electricity is often taken for granted, as if it
will always be there each time we flick a switch. It's one of those
things that isn't missed until it's gone. When the lights go out,
everything changes.

For fifteen years, the drug policy community has benefited from a
knowledge base and information hub that, like electricity, has
quietly and efficiently "kept the lights on" to reform cruel and
corrupt drug policies.

The knowledgebase provided by DrugSense (http://www.drugsense.org)
serves as an "early warning system," letting us know about important
developments often as they happen. Over 130 like minded organizations
depend on the DrugSense hub to carry out their respective reform missions.

DrugSense's many projects have helped to build the momentum that
allows us to stand where we are today: Fourteen states and counting
have passed medical marijuana laws. Californians will be voting on a
legalization initiative this fall. We now have cannabis colleges,
conferences, and expos. At this pivotal point in history, do we
allow the switch to flick off?

Like many organizations in these trying times, DrugSense's funding
base is shifting and shrinking. To make matters worse, its
controversial focus challenges efforts to secure funding from
traditional sources.

Despite these hardships, the quest for common sense in cannabis
policy has one important ally: YOU! And you are needed right now.

Please participate in the "Paying Forward - 420 Campaign" by making a
pledge in 420 increments - $4.20, $42.00, or $420.00 (or more) - to
DrugSense at http://www.drugsense.org/donate . Because DrugSense is a
501(c)(3) educational non-profit, your contribution is tax deductible.

Keep this electrifying movement going and its light of truth
shining. That way, we won't have to learn what is lost after it is too late.
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