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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Weeding Out A Bad Home Purchase
Title:Canada: Weeding Out A Bad Home Purchase
Published On:2010-01-08
Source:Metro (Vancouver, CN BC)
Fetched On:2010-01-25 23:36:00

We all know Mike Holmes - the guy with biceps the size of tires, who
rights wrongs when it comes to home renovations. But at Marketplace,
we team up with Mike tonight to tackle a growing (no pun intended)
problem in Canada - homes that are used for marijuana grow-ops, then
sold to unsuspecting buyers.

The RCMP estimates there are thousands of houses being used for
grow-ops today, often in quiet, suburban neighbourhoods where you'd
least expect them. They're often quietly patched up - leaving new
homeowners stuck with mold, structural and electrical issues.

Theresa Denton was happy with her house purchase near Kamloops,
British Columbia, until she learned it'd been a grow-op for almost a
decade. Today, she's facing a bill that could top $100,000 just to
make her home safe to live in. Her walls are covered in mold, and her
son's developed such a severe mold allergy, he has to take medication
to help him breathe.

Denton - like other unsuspecting homeowners - hired a home inspector
before she bought her house. But in his report, he makes no mention of
mold all over the attic walls. "He had a flashlight," says Denton.
"Either he's not telling the truth, or he's just completely

It's a story Mike Holmes is hearing more and more - home inspectors
who don't spot costly problems, especially when it comes to spotting
grow-op warning signs. "I think we need to do something about the home
inspection industry," says Holmes. "It's obvious that it's not working."

In Canada, there are no requirements for home inspectors to get any
training to spot grow-ops. In fact, what training is required to be a
home inspector varies across the country. In most provinces, anyone
can hang out a "home inspector" shingle, and if they give you bad
advice, your only recourse is a lengthy and costly court case.

When we caught up with Theresa Denton's home inspector, he told us he
wasn't responsible for Denton's nightmare, and his contract even says

Denton's now suing her home inspector, the former owner of the house,
and her real estate agent. Sadly, the courts are full of cases like
Denton's - homebuyers who thought a home inspection would protect them.
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