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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Drug Abuse In US Prisons Is Tough To Stamp Out
Title:US: Drug Abuse In US Prisons Is Tough To Stamp Out
Published On:2010-01-18
Source:Deseret Morning News (Salt Lake City, UT)
Fetched On:2010-01-25 23:19:49

Richard Pillajo, a wellness education officer at a Florida state
prison, strayed beyond his job description, according to investigators
who arrested him last year. He allegedly planned to smuggle cocaine,
marijuana and hydrocodone pills to inmates for a payoff of $2,500.

Florida's corrections secretary, Walt McNeil, praised the
investigators from his own department who cracked the case. Yet
official annual reports suggest these investigators, like their
counterparts in many states, are playing a frustrating version of
Whack-a-Mole as they try to keep illegal drugs out of America's prisons.

In many large state prison systems, a mix of inmate ingenuity,
complicit visitors and corrupt staff has kept the level of inmate drug
abuse constant over the past decade despite concerted efforts to
reduce it. A recent boom in cell phone smuggling has complicated
matters, with inmates sometimes using phones to arrange drug deliveries.

"The prison wall is not a boundary anymore," said Terry Thornton, a
spokeswoman for California's corrections department, which seized
about 5,000 contraband cell phones in 2009 -- more than triple the
2007 total.

Roughly 1,000 "drug incidents" are reported annually at California
prisons -- seizures of marijuana, heroin and other drugs. Between 2006
and 2008, 44 inmates in the state died of drug overdose deaths.

Florida has implemented anti-contraband strategies that its
legislative watchdog office says match or exceed those in other states
- -- including drug-detecting dog teams, metal detector searches of
staff and visitors at all prisons, and even random pat-down searches
of staff, rarely done in other states.

Yet despite these efforts, 1,132 random drug tests of inmates in
2008-09 were positive -- the same positive rate of 1.6 percent as 10
years earlier. Even more striking, officers seized 2,832 grams of
marijuana and 92 grams of cocaine at the prisons during the year, by
far the highest figures of the past decade.

"People are always trying to smuggle drugs in," said Gretl Plessinger,
the Florida Correction Department's spokeswoman. "Our ultimate goal is
to get rid of it, but I'd be a fool to tell you that will ever be realized."

The canine teams are given partial credit for the surge in marijuana
seizures, but there are only nine teams -- rotating among 60 prisons.

Drugs reach inmates in numerous ways -- via visiting relatives, by
mail, through the complicity of prison staff, by inmates themselves
who smuggle in drugs dropped off by associates at off-prison work sites.

Josh Gelinas, spokesman for South Carolina's corrections department,
said smuggling tactics shifted after the state installed X-ray
machines and metal detectors at all medium- and high-security prisons.
Drug packets now are sometimes launched over prison walls by paintball
guns and homemade launchers known as "spud guns."

"The imagination and creativity of people under lock and key boggles
the mind," said Dr. Westley Clark, director of the federal Center for
Substance Abuse Treatment, who suggested that the cost of creating
drug-free prisons nationwide would be prohibitive.

Corrections officials say much of the prison drug trade is controlled
by gangs -- and one result is sky-high prices. Tommy Johnson, Hawaii's
deputy corrections director, says the going price for heroin behind
bars is sometimes 10 times the street price.

In California, gang-related drug activity is the No. 1 cause of prison
violence, according to Mike Ruff, a corrections department special

"Something that appears to be a riot between different gangs is not
necessarily because they're rivals -- it's more because of a drug deal
gone bad," he said. "All of the gangs are actively involved in narcotics."

Ruff cited some of the gangs' favored smuggling tactics -- drugs
passed from a visiting wife or girlfriend via a seemingly passionate
kiss, and drugs secreted in legal documents which are supposed to be
exempt from thorough searches in prison mailrooms.

Some states have had far more success than others in ridding their
prisons of illegal drugs.

Pennsylvania, widely credited as a leader, instituted a zero-tolerance
policy in 1995 at a time when 6 percent of inmate drug tests were
positive. The Corrections Department began using canine detection
teams, installed X-ray machines in prison mailrooms, stepped up drug
testing, expanded search policies affecting prisoners and staff, and
punished violators with loss of visiting privileges.

The positive drug test rate is now negligible, according to department
spokeswoman Susan McNaughton, who said the result is greater safety
for staff and inmates.

The policy has attracted interest in other states. In California, for
example, corrections officials have suggested adopting Pennsylvania's
vulnerability analysis program -- in which specially trained staff
from one prison test security systems at another prison.

Experts who work with ex-offenders in Pennsylvania agree that the
anti-drug efforts have been effective -- inside the prisons -- but say
problems elsewhere serve to limit the benefits to society.

Ray Jones of Philadelphia-based Impact Services said many inmates who
underwent effective treatment programs in prison are released into
community corrections programs where supervision is less rigorous and
relapses into drug abuse commonplace.

He also said the anti-drug strategies in the state prisons are not
replicated in the county jails -- which house prisoners awaiting trial
or serving sentences under two years.

Federal prisons haven't been spared from the drug blight. A 2003
report by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General said
the Bureau of Prisons was falling short in efforts to address "a
continuing problem with inmate drug use and drug smuggling in almost
every institution."

Since then, the Bureau of Prisons has expanded use of ion spectrometry
devices, which detect trace amounts of drugs, and began searches of
staff -- who are now required to walk through a metal detector and
have their property X-rayed before entering prisons' secure areas.

Bryan Lowry, president of a union group representing many federal
prison officers, said his Council of Prison Locals 33 supports tougher
interdiction efforts, even when staff are affected. But he added that
corrupt employees are apt to find cracks in almost any system.

"We have a lot of manipulative inmates -- they didn't get in there by
going to church on Sunday, and some of them have money," he said. "We
have a lot of staff who do get caught -- it happens."

Garnett Wilson, a former inmate who now counsels ex-offenders at the
Fortune Society in New York City, says illegal drugs are widely
available in many of the state's prisons -- a problem aggravated by
the fact that more than 80 percent of New York inmates had substance
abuse problems as they went behind bars.

Even some inmates who eschewed drugs on the outside may acquire the
habit in prison, Wilson said, "to deal with the stress of doing time."

Erik Kriss, spokesman for New York's corrections department, said only
two correctional officers had been arrested for drug smuggling in the
past two years. But he confirmed that illegal drug use by inmates
persists despite extensive countermeasures, with positive test rates
hovering between 2.9 and 3.8 percent since 2001.

One reason for the steady inflow of drugs, Kriss said, is a relatively
accommodating visiting policy -- aimed at sustaining inmates' family
ties to maximize their chances of post-prison success.

"If you have a liberal visiting policy, the attempt to smuggle drugs
in is always going to be there," Kriss said.

He said his department is considering emulating Pennsylvania by
curtailing visits for inmates caught abusing drugs.

Last year, Human Rights Watch criticized New York's corrections
department for punishing some inmate drug abusers with long stints in
solitary confinement in what prisoners call "the box" -- during which
time they are excluded from drug treatment programs.

The Human Rights Watch report said that between 2005 and 2007, New
York inmates were sentenced to a total of 2,561 years in the box for
drug-related charges.

"We have numerous and varied substance abuse treatment programs,"
Kriss said when asked about the report. "But for the smuggling of
illicit drugs -- actions that can lead to extortion and violence in
prisons that we are expected to keep safe and secure -- we believe
disciplinary sanctions are entirely appropriate."
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