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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NH: Lyndeborough Man Advocates Cannabis To Help Reduce Pain
Title:US NH: Lyndeborough Man Advocates Cannabis To Help Reduce Pain
Published On:2009-12-20
Source:Telegraph, The (Nashua, NH)
Fetched On:2009-12-22 18:20:33

LYNDEBOROUGH -- Carl Hedberg calls himself a "cannabis care coach,"
and he's on a mission to help others reduce their pain.

Four years ago, Hedberg, 53, had exhausted all methods to try to
alleviate his chronic migraines. Over-the-counter and prescribed
medication weren't working. In an effort to find a successful
alternative that would also decrease his use of pharmaceutical
painkillers, he began to do research.

He discovered Dr. Lester Grinspoon's books, which outlined the
positive and negative uses of medicinal marijuana. After meeting
with him, Hedberg, who said he had used marijuana recreationally in
college, decided to take small doses of it for his headaches. It was
a success.

Within the last year, Hedberg has worked with 11 people from all
walks of life in New England. Most of his clients are middle-age
women with a range of ailments, including migraines, menopause,
multiple sclerosis and cancer. He meets his clients through
marijuana advocacy events or referrals, and he said most of them
already grow the illegal drug.

Hedberg will make a casual home visit and spend two to three hours
with patients to teach them how to administer marijuana in other
ways than smoking it. He's then "on call" for any follow-up
questions clients may have.

Hedberg says smoking isn't optimal. The son of a former surgeon at
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Hedberg grew up in a
medical household. After experimenting for several years, he has
created beeswax salves, vaporizers, tinctures and ways to eat it in foods.

He charges $120 for his guidance, but it's a negotiable rate. This
includes helping clients to make a tincture -- a solution of grain
alcohol, water and marijuana -- and understanding how their body
will react with marijuana, depending on weight, desired strength of
the effect and tolerance to different drugs.

There are some drawbacks to the various ways of consuming marijuana.

"The challenge is it's in an illegal environment and virtually
impossible to make tincture affordable," Hedberg said.

He says the underground market price for one-eighth of an ounce is
$60 to $80. One ounce yields about 200 eye drops full of the
solution, which equates to 10 to 30 doses depending on each client,
he said. The tincture solution can cost up to $300.

Hedberg said his method is cost ineffective and that he primarily
works with plant growers because they're supplied internally.
Vaporizing, on the other hand, has increasingly become more popular
among users because it's a fast delivery of the drug, he said.

There is a wide range of vaporizers on the market, according to
Hedberg. When the active ingredient in the plant cannabinoid is
heated to a temperature below burning, the plant material doesn't
burn, but the cannabinoids are stripped away and released as a vapor.

Federal law bans the use and distribution of marijuana, although 13
states have legalized marijuana use for the severely sick whose
doctors approve the drug. Neighboring Maine approved access to
marijuana for individuals with medical conditions last month.

In July, Gov. John Lynch vetoed a bill that would have made New
Hampshire the 14th state to approve it. The New Hampshire House of
Representatives failed to override Lynch's veto in October. Lynch
expressed concern over the potential for unauthorized distribution
and the amount of drug allowed to be dispensed.

Hedberg is careful not to get involved with the supply aspect of his
newfound business.

"I don't supply it," he said. "The grower piece of the dispensary
system already exists. If someone asks me where to get it, I tell
them to go to the growers."

The freelance entrepreneurship writer and editor keeps a low volume
of the drug, never more than one-eighth of an ounce, in his home.

"I am hoping that New Hampshire law enforcement has better things to
do than come down hard on me for using small amounts of cannabis for
headaches or helping patients learn how to reduce the smoking aspect
of their use," Hedberg said.

"I am not aware of anyone doing this before in New Hampshire,"
Hillsborough County Attorney Robert Walsh said. He said if Hedberg
were caught distributing it, then local police would follow the law
and brings charges against him.

In October, the U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire, John Kacavas, said
he wouldn't prosecute people using small amounts of marijuana for pain.

Hedberg is cognizant of the dangers involved with his work and
worries he could be caught. But he's willing to take the risk. If
he's caught and sent to jail, he would bring a guitar and a write a
book, he jokes.

"I'm putting myself out there," he said. "I think it's fine for
people to do this and put themselves out there in small ways."

Dennis Acton, of Freemont, a cancer survivor, advocates legalizing
marijuana for medicinal uses in New Hampshire. He found small doses
of the drug to be more successful during chemotherapy than the
prescribed $1,600 anti-nausea Zofran pills.

Now he wants to convince a female family member, who experiences
debilitating migraines, that small doses of marijuana could be a
positive experience and alleviate her pain. (He didn't want her name
to be used to protect her anonymity.) She has tried every type of
treatment, including Botox injections into her scalp. Nothing has
yielded successful results.

The family member fervently opposes the drug because of its
illegality and won't try it.

"We really want to try and do something for her," Acton said.

Acton recently discovered Hedberg and met with him. He has persuaded
his family member to speak with Hedberg. Within the next week, the
two will sit down for an informational session on the positive and
negative aspects of medical marijuana.

Hedberg says medicinal use of marijuana isn't for everyone and may
not be a guarantee to ease pain, but that it's safe enough to try.

"We, as citizens, have discovered there is a safe and effective
medicine that has never killed anyone," he said. "Yet, we are not
permitted to use it. Even if you took too much, it won't require
anything more than fruit juice and a good night's sleep.

"The dangers are low, and some people have gotten off pharmaceuticals."

Unlike some pharmaceutical drugs that can inhibit a patient's
functions, marijuana leaves a patient functioning and almost in a
euphoric state, Hedberg said.

"I don't think the government has a right to tell us what we can use
for medicine if we do it safely," he said.

Hedberg hopes to expand his client base and make a living in this
illegal industry.

"I believe I can help," he said.
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