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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: AMA Urges Feds to Reclassify Marijuana
Title:US CA: AMA Urges Feds to Reclassify Marijuana
Published On:2009-11-15
Source:Times-Standard (Eureka, CA)
Fetched On:2009-11-15 16:27:46

The nation's largest doctors group took a step toward supporting
medical marijuana last week, urging the federal government to review
marijuana's status as a controlled substance in order to facilitate
more medical research on the drug.

"This has, I think, profound implications," said Greg Allen, a local
attorney and longtime medical marijuana advocate.

Currently, marijuana remains classified federally as a Schedule 1
controlled substance, in the same category as heroin, ecstasy and
LSD. That status makes it very difficult to conduct legal medical
testing on the drug in the United States, as it can only be done with
a permit from the federal government, which has historically been
loathe to give them out.

Reducing marijuana's federal classification even just to Schedule 2
- -- the same class as cocaine, methadone, oxycodone and morphine --
would allow for more testing on the medical effects of marijuana,
medical proponents argue.

At a semi-annual policy meeting held last week, the American Medical
Association voted to adopt a resolution urging that marijuana's
status as a federal Schedule 1 controlled substance be reviewed with
the goal of conducting more clinical research and developing
cannabinoid-based medications.

The resolution clearly states that it in no way is endorsing
state-based medical marijuana programs, the legalization of marijuana
or that it should be seen as a statement that scientific evidence on
the therapeutic use of cannabis meets the current standards for a
prescription drug.

However, the resolution marks a large policy change for the AMA,
which has treated medical marijuana with much caution in the past,
reportedly even voting down a similar resolution eight years ago.

In a statement, Dr. Edward Langston, an AMA board member, said the
resolution is entirely designed to facilitate more research.

"Despite more than 30 years of clinical research, only a small number
of randomized, controlled trials have been conducted on smoked
cannabis," Langston said. "Federal drug approval is achieved after
appropriate scientific and regulatory review to establish safety and
efficacy. The limited nature of rigorous scientific studies on the
therapeutic use of cannabis is insufficient to satisfy the current
standards for a prescription drug product."

A big reason for the lack of rigorous scientific studies is
marijuana's longstanding status as a Schedule 1 controlled substance,
Allen said.

"When it comes to research and technology, I think the United States
is one of the forefront nations, and for us to not be involved (in
this research) is just ridiculous," Allen said. "The U.S. would be a
major player in any sort of research. Yet, we've been basically out
of this for 30-some-odd years."

Even some longstanding critics of medical marijuana are at ease with
the AMA's decision.

"I have not a concern about it," said Roger Morgan, a co-founder of
Californians for Drug-free Schools. "Obviously, it's a change in
direction for them. But, I think if they conduct more studies they
will end up with the same answer they've had before: That smoked,
crude marijuana is not medicine."

Mason said the studies also have the potential to do some real good,
if researchers are able to find a way to extract some of the
compounds in marijuana that have medical properties to be
administered to patients in another form.

"If they can offer pills and suppositories that can still provide
relief, that's a home run," he said.

But, really, Mason said he doesn't expect to see any changes, no
matter how much the drug is studied.

"I don't think new study will provide any new answers," he said. "I
think it's properly classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance now."

Eureka attorney Neal Sanders, who specializes in medical marijuana
cases, said even a reclassification of marijuana to a Schedule 2
substance probably wouldn't have much of a impact on criminal cases
in California. Still, Sanders said the AMA vote is big news,
especially when considered with other developments, like Attorney
General Erick Holder's recent announcement that federal authorities
would no longer prosecute users and dispensaries in states that allow
medical marijuana.

"I think the big import for California is it tends to show that a
mainstream medical group has made a determination that marijuana
needs to be looked at as a valid medicine, and that the feds should
get on board and allow studies to go forward that would either verify
that or not," Sanders said. "It's showing that the powers that be --
the American Medical Association, doctors and the Attorney General's
Office -- are all recognizing that marijuana needs to be looked at
and considered a bit differently than other drugs."

While Allen said the AMA's resolution could have profound impacts, he
cautioned against thinking it represents a sea change on the issue or
a magic bullet toward decriminalization. The fact is, Allen said,
marijuana has a very strong and entrenched opposition.

"Law enforcement views (marijuana), and will always view it, as a
jobs issue," Allen said. "And, really, I think that's a significant
part of the organized opposition. That opposition will continue to do
anything to keep it from becoming legal or decriminalized."

Allen said true medical research and clinical studies, done outside
of government hands, might help move both the medical marijuana and
the legalization movement farther down the road. Reclassifying
marijuana as something other than a Schedule 1 controlled substance,
Allen said, is a key step.

"It's basically a war and not a battle, and it appears it is going to
go on for a while," he said.
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