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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Will Too Many Pot Dispensaries Saturate The Market?
Title:US CO: Will Too Many Pot Dispensaries Saturate The Market?
Published On:2009-10-30
Source:Aspen Times Weekly (CO)
Fetched On:2009-10-30 15:11:28

Maybe, But Not Yet, Say Owners Of Medical Marijuana Businesses

GLENWOOD SPRINGS - No one seems to know how many medical marijuana
dispensaries have opened in Colorado in recent years, although a
frequently expressed estimate is that "a lot" of the centers are operating.

And along with that rather vague assessment is the belief that right
here in the vicinity of Glenwood Springs -- in the nearby towns of
the Colorado and Roaring Fork river valleys -- the density of the
dispensaries may be as high, per capita, as anywhere in the state.

Colorado voters approved the medical use of marijuana, for certain
ailments, by voting for a constitutional amendment in the 2000
general election.

A continuing federal prohibition against any use of pot slowed
acceptance of medical marijuana in Colorado, but a recent policy
reversal by the Obama administration changed all that. Attorney
General Eric Holder's statement that federal agents are to leave
medical marijuana patients and providers alone has spurred a sudden
surge in the industry statewide.

According to an informal count by the Post Independent, based on the
advertising department's accounts list and other reports, there are
as many as 19 or 20 dispensaries serving the area between Aspen,
Glenwood and Rifle.

Some, however, are interlopers from outside the immediate area, such
as one in Leadville and one in South Park, which are advertising in
the Roaring Fork Valley.

The website, coloradomedicalmarijuana.com, in its "dispensaries"
section, listed 30 outlets on the Front Range from Fort Collins to

One Carbondale dispensary operator said there are probably "hundreds"
operating around the state by now.

In light of what one man called "a modern gold rush," some are asking
whether there will be any such thing as saturation of the local market.

"I think about that almost daily," said Billy Miller, co-owner of the
LEAF dispensary, which has outlets in Aspen and Carbondale.

It was Miller who likened the valley's newest growth industry to the
California gold rush of 1849, when miners known as "49ers" streamed
into the state from all over the country and the world.

"I've been calling all of us the '09ers," Miller said.

Cheryl Sullivan and her stepsons, Sean, 26, and Keaton, 19, operate
the Green Medicine Wellness dispensary in Glenwood Springs, which
opened its doors on Oct. 26.

Green Medicine, said Cheryl Sullivan, is "not just a medical
marijuana facility," but also offers different types of massage
therapy and, soon, acupuncture -- a diversity of services that is not
uncommon in the industry.

As for whether they worry the market is becoming oversaturated,
Keaton Sullivan said, "Yes and no. I've noticed some of ‘em are
in it just for a quick buck. But we're in it for the mission."

The Sullivans got into the business, they said, after an uncle of the
two young men died of cancer and spent the last part of his life in
severe discomfort, which they felt could have been lessened if he'd
had access to medical marijuana.

"It just didn't seem right," said Keaton, and when they moved to
Colorado a couple of years ago they decided to go into the business
to keep others from having the same fate.

"My issue is, there are patients out there who are suffering," said
Sean. If that remains the case, he predicted, "then there aren't too
many dispensaries.

"We believe it's a healthier form of medicine" than pain pills or
other, more traditional treatments for ailments, he continued, adding
that with "vaporizers" [a less painful inhaling device] and pot
cooked into food, "you don't even have to smoke."

Joseph Jones, who said his CMD dispensary in Carbondale was the first
on the Western Slope when it opened last July, predicted that "the
numbers will continue to grow" but added, "I feel there should be a
limit to it at some point."

But, like others interviewed for this story, Jones said the limit
will come organically, as competition eliminates some and permits
others to thrive.

"We'll weed out the phonies," he joked.

Different operators had differing opinions about how many customers
an individual outlet needs to stay in business. Jones said 50 or so;
the Sullivans believe it is closer to 100.

The sense of competition that exists seems to be on a friendly basis,
to date.

"Everybody in the industry kind of knows everyone else," Jones

"We're on good terms with other dispensaries," Keaton Sullivan said.
"We're not trying to cut each others' throats. The sandbox is big
enough for everyone."

The Sullivans said their marketing plan includes "reaching out" to
the American Cancer Society and area physicians, to discuss the
benefits of medical marijuana for their constituencies. Cheryl
Sullivan said that they have learned of some patients who might
qualify for medical marijuana, whose doctors refused to "recommend"
them for the treatment.

Concerning the potential for competitive thinning of the ranks among
dispensaries, an Aspen attorney who represents a number of
dispensaries is optimistic about the survival of those that are open

"I think competition has to take care of itself," said Lauren Maytin,
whose client-dispensaries can be found from Aspen to Rifle. "I think
the market will level out, become stable."

As for the dispensaries closest to her office, two of whom are her
clients, she said, "I firmly think the four will survive in Aspen,
because they're all a little bit different."

The consensus among the vendors interviewed for this story was that,
if there is a saturation point in the local market, beyond which
additional dispensaries would become a problem, it has not been
reached yet.

"If there's not enough patients, obviously, we [some of the current
crop of vendors] don't make it," Sean Sullivan said. "We believe that
the patients are here."
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