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News (Media Awareness Project) - US HI: Drug Court Rebuilds Lives
Title:US HI: Drug Court Rebuilds Lives
Published On:2009-08-20
Source:Maui Weekly (HI)
Fetched On:2009-08-24 06:53:00

Maui/Moloka'i Drug Court holds graduation ceremony, honoring graduates
of intensive, life-changing drug and alcohol treatment program. "This
was my only chance to live life sober."

At first glance, it may have looked like a typical trial-by-jury scene
in Courtroom 2 of the Maui County Courthouse on Thursday, July 23.
With a rap of his gavel, the presiding judge, in his traditional black
robe, called court to session as the prosecuting attorney and public
defender prepared for the day's proceedings.

But on this particular afternoon, the judicial proceedings were cause
for celebration, as one by one, 11 men adorned in garlands of fragrant
lei stood before Second Circuit Court Judge Shackley F. Raffetto, who
pronounced the charges filed against them had been dropped.

While each had once appeared before a judge-perhaps in the very same
courtroom-as a criminal defendant, they were honored that afternoon as
members of the 27th graduating class of the Maui/Moloka'i Drug Court
Program (MDCP). MDCP is an intensive, 40- to 60-week treatment program
for non-violent, Class "B" or "C" felony offenders whose criminal
actions resulted from their alcohol and/or drug abuse. And for those
who witnessed the beaming smiles that illuminated Courtroom 2 that
day, it is safe to say that the program is making a profound impact.

Judge Raffetto created MDCP in August 2000 to combat Maui County's
growing drug epidemic and help substance-abusing offenders break the
cycle of addiction. Nine years later, 320 graduates have successfully
completed the program, with an 85 percent success (no reoffend) rate.
MDCP is comprised of a dedicated coalition of judges, attorneys, law
enforcement officials, contracted physicians and treatment providers,
Maui County Correctional Center (MCCC) staff, state Department of
Public Safety personnel and MDCP staff members. Once admitted,
participants receive alcohol and drug treatment integrated with
justice system case processing, which includes rehabilitation
services, close court supervision, case management, anger management,
and educational and vocational training. In addition, MDCP clients are
required to participate in individual counseling, group and family
support sessions, submit to regular drug and alcohol testing and
participate in community service projects before they are eligible to
graduate. While the rules of MDCP are simple-stay clean, complete the
program and accept your diploma-the outcome is often nothing short of

The motto of MDCP is "Ho'omaka Ola Hou," or "rebuilding lives," and
the July 25 ceremony was certainly a testament to this maxim, as the
11 graduates accepted their diplomas-and a new lease on life-with a
palpable sense of pride. As friends and family members looked on, each
graduate stepped forward to accept his diploma, shaking the hands of
Judge Raffetto, Judge Joseph Cardoza and MDCP Administrator Barbara
Ann Keller. In a courtroom overflowing with flowers, smiles and tears
of joy, the 11 men took a moment to express their gratitude to Judge
Raffetto, Aloha House staff and MDCP case workers and

"Without this program, I wouldn't be alive today," said one man,
blinking back tears. "This program guided me in the right direction,
and with the knowledge I gained, I know I will be able to succeed."

"I was afraid of judges before," said another graduate, eliciting a
peal of laughter. "But now I respect them."

Gazing out at his family seated in the gallery, one man admitted, "I'm
so glad I got arrested. It was a long journey [but] I couldn't have
stayed clean or become a responsible parent without Maui Drug Court."

According to the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI), there are 2,301
criminal drug courts currently "in session" across the country, and
multiple studies have concluded that these specialized models are both
efficient and cost-effective. The NDCI defines the drug court concept
as a system which "provides alternatives to the prosecution and
incarceration of offenders with substance abuse problems. drug courts
help rebuild lives, support families and reduce recidivism and costs
of incarceration."

And the program isn't easy. At Thursday's ceremony, many of the
graduates admitted the MDCP was much harder than they expected.

"Drug court kicked my butt. It was hard," said one graduate. "But this
was my only chance to live life sober. It was the hardest thing I've
ever done, but it was definitely the best thing."

Another graduate agreed, "It was definitely tough, but it saved my
life." Describing the "hell" of his years of drug addiction, he said,
"I didn't know if I could do it. But I did, and 13 months later, I
went from being a junkie to a 4.0 student."

With a soft smile, one man thanked the judge "for having faith in me."
MDCP not only offered a second chance, he said, "It also let me be the
person I always wanted to be. and truly appreciate the gift of life."

Looking out at the 11 graduates seated in the jury box, Judge Raffetto
said, "If you could have done this yourself, you wouldn't be here
today. Now you have all you need to go on and have good lives... I
know you can do it, but it's up to you to succeed."

For more information, visit the Friends of the Maui Drug Court Website
at www.mauidrugcourt.info, call (808) 442-3850 or visit the NDCI
Website at www.ndci.org.
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