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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Brian Paddick: Britain's Most Controversial Police Chief
Title:UK: Brian Paddick: Britain's Most Controversial Police Chief
Published On:2006-06-01
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 03:35:26

He went soft on drugs in Brixton, spoke out about the shooting of Jean
Charles de Menezes, and had his private life raked over in the press.
Now, after 30 years of service, Brian Paddick's been hounded out of
his job. But were his radical policies to blame? Or was Scotland Yard
simply not ready for a liberal, gay, Oxford graduate so high in its

The statement issued by Scotland Yard yesterday morning was
characteristically anodyne, yet explosive in its implications. "The
commissioner has decided, for organisational reasons, to appoint DAC
Brian Paddick to the Directorate of Information in order to work on
the management of police information systems."

For seasoned Paddick-watchers - and there are many - the announcement
signalled the final, unhappy chapter in the career of Britain's most
controversial police officer. At the same time, for seasoned
Yard-watchers - and there are many - it marked a dramatic raising of
the stakes in the extraordinary faction feud raging within Britain's
biggest police force.

Paddick, the country's most senior gay policeman, is now, in effect,
on gardening leave (with a UKP 120,000 salary) until he decides to
either retire or resign.

The decision to give the 47-year-old deputy assistant commissioner a
desk job represents the latest move by Sir Blair, the commissioner of
the Metropolitan Police - a man well accustomed to being described as
"beleaguered" - to stamp his authority on the Met by weeding out the
high-level dissenters and perceived troublemakers who cause him so
many unwelcome headlines.

But the sidelining of the man behind the famous "softly-softly"
cannabis experiment in Brixton, south London, comes after months of
unprecedented fear and loathing within Scotland Yard.

At the centre of the row is the question of trust and honesty. Sir Ian
has come to believe that one of his most senior officers cannot be
trusted, that he leaks information to the press, and that ill-informed
comments by the deputy assistant commissioner could bring down his

Paddick, meanwhile, insists that he is merely being truthful and
transparent. He claims the culture within the police service remains
one of covering up mistakes, rather than exposing them - and that his
honesty and openness about his sexuality led to a homophobic backlash
among some of his senior colleagues, that has blighted his career and
his prospects.

While his detractors claim he is naive, a publicity seeker who is out
for glory and not a team player, Paddick says that his approach has
always been to apply maximum candour - particularly when confronting
controversial subjects, such as youth crime and drugs.

His rise through the police ranks reflects the growing pains of a
conservative and institutionalised organisation, which over the past
two decades has had to come to terms with the issues of sexuality and
diversity, as well as the emergence of the "celebrity" police officer.

The son of a plastics salesman and a building society secretary,
Paddick grew up in south London. During his adolescence he was
tormented by his homosexuality and bullied by other children who
realised he was gay. He joined the Met in 1976, at the age of 18.

He had two failed engagements before getting married, which he says he
did to cover up his sexuality. He told one interviewer: "I broke off
the relationship because it wasn't working and came home very upset.
Mum said, 'Oh, what's the matter?' And I rather dramatically placed
the engagement ring on the coffee table. And mum said, 'Thank God for
that; I thought you were going to tell me you were queer."'

Paddick took a break from policing to study politics, philosophy and
economics at Oxford. He has a criminology diploma from Cambridge
University and even his critics concede that he is bright.

As he rose through the ranks he finally came out as homosexual. He
remains convinced that the decision made him a target for homophobia.

A friend said yesterday: "One backlash was that whenever Brian got
into trouble people would not rush to defend him - rather they would
rush to put fuel on the fire. Even now he believes there are senior
officers who do not want to play golf or associate with him partly
because he is gay."

On the day he was promoted to commander in November 2000, an anonymous
note was sent to his bosses claiming he had misused a police vehicle.

On another occasion, someone rang a telephone hotline with a false
tip-off that Paddick had warned a London gay bar at which he was a
regular customer, that it was about to be raided for drugs.

But it was not until July 2001, when he was borough commander of the
south London district of Lambeth that he became a figure of national

His bold, controversial and ground-breaking pilot scheme in Brixton,
under which anyone caught with a small amount of cannabis was released
without charge, ensured that the media took a close interest in his
activities. Offenders were merely released with a warning and their
drugs confiscated. The declared aim of the scheme was to allow police
officers more time to target heroin and crack cocaine users and
dealers, rather than spending hours processing people arrested for
possession of recreational drugs.

The scheme was immediately seized upon by the right-wing press, and
the Oxford University graduate rapidly found his personal life and
career under the microscope.

Then, as part of his attempt to engage the local community, he logged
on to a radical website, Urban75.com, under the tag name of "Brian: The
Commander" to take part in a debate on policing. His comments about
finding anarchist philosophy attractive angered the Met's top brass and
led right-wing commentators to brand him "Commander Crackpot".

Worse was to come. The allegations that led to Paddick's ousting from
Lambeth came, with some inevitability, in The Mail on Sunday, which
published revelations from James Renolleau, one of Paddick's old
boyfriends, after paying him UKP 100,000 for his story.

Renolleau claimed that Paddick had allowed him to smoke cannabis at
the couple's Westminster flat and had flouted Met rules by not telling
his bosses that Renolleau was on bail facing criminal charges.

Paddick admitted the newspaper's claims, but he issued vehement
denials about the allegations that he himself had smoked cannabis.

Yet to his fury, he was moved from Lambeth to a desk job in March 2002
while a criminal investigation was undertaken.

Cleared of criminal wrongdoing in October 2002, and a disciplinary
inquiry by the Metropolitan Police Authority, which ruled there was no
evidence to substantiate the cannabis allegations, he successfully
sued The Mail on Sunday, winning substantial damages and an apology.
He claimed libel and breach of confidence after the newspaper
published details about his private life. Asked at the time whether he
shared the opinion that he had been "hung out to dry", he replied:
"That's the feeling I got too."

He told another interviewer: "It's elements of the media that are
ultra conservative and take grave exception to police officers using
that sort of language - suggesting radically different approaches -
and find the idea of an openly gay man in any position of authority
abhorrent, not the police service."

In rebuilding his career he found allies, including Ken Livingstone,
the Mayor of London. Livingstone's race adviser, Lee Jasper, has
described Paddick's honesty and transparency as weaknesses. "He's a
strongly extrovert character and that can often lead him to speaking
without thinking and that can get him into trouble."

Paddick's legacy was that Brixton's liberal approach to cannabis
possession was adopted nationally in January 2004 when David Blunkett,
then Home Secretary, downgraded the drug from class B to class C.
Police ceased to treat possession of cannabis as an arrestable offence
in most situations.

But the backlash to this approach has been growing among senior police
officers and MPs, who complain that the switch has sent mixed messages
about drugs to the young. Large numbers of cannabis dealers have also
been targeting Brixton, which has seen a return to more traditional
policing methods.

In January 2004 Paddick was promoted to deputy assistant commissioner
and given the job of running territorial policing, a position that is
responsible for the riot squad, burglary, street crime and sexual
offences. But he quickly complained in a newspaper interview that the
role was "a bit of a non-job" and that he was "bored and

His career appeared to be in the ascendancy again in June last year,
when he was put in charge of the high-profile review of the handling
of rape allegations. The following month, he fronted the first few
press conferences in the aftermath of the 7 July suicide bombings.

But it was the shooting dead of a Brazilian man at Stockwell Tube
station in south London on 22 July last year that would prove to be
the catalyst for a fresh round of controversy and in-fighting, which
in turn has brought around Paddick's latest travails, and could yet
topple Sir Ian Blair as commissioner.

Jean Charles de Menezes, an electrician, was shot seven times in the
head by anti-terrorist officers after being mistaken for a suicide
bomber, on the day after the attempted 21 July bomb attacks in London.

At 3.30pm on 22 July, five hours after the shooting, Sir Ian made an
appeal over four photographs of suspected failed bombers and announced
that the shooting of De Menezes was directly linked to anti-terrorist

Sir Ian has been accused by the dead man's family of knowing that de
Menezes was innocent when he made that statement. A month after the
shooting, Sir Ian said: "At that time - and for the next 24 hours - I
and everybody who advised me believed the person who was shot was a
suicide bomber."

In response to a series of complaints, two inquiries were launched by
the Independent Police Complaints Commission into the shooting and its

The first report, known as Stockwell One, looks at the shooting and
considers whether any criminal offences have been committed by the
police. The second, Stockwell Two, is examining whether Sir Ian
mislead the public.

The commissioner's career is riding on the outcome of these reports.
If Stockwell Two, which is due to be published later this year,
concludes that he lied, he will almost certainly lose his job.

With so much riding on the inquiry, shockwaves reverberated through
the upper echelons of Scotland Yard at the disclosure in March that
Paddick gave investigators from the IPCC a signed statement that
appeared to contradict Sir Ian's account of the aftermath of the shooting.

Paddick testified that Chief Superintendent Moir Stewart, a key member
of Blair's private office, had been told just six hours after the
shooting that the police might have killed an innocent man.

Sir Ian has maintained that the first he and - crucially - his
advisers knew of the error, was 24 hours after the shooting.

Paddick's damaging claim was leaked to the BBC in March, in a week
when Sir Ian was already under severe pressure.

He had just been forced to apologise to Lord Goldsmith, the Attorney
General, after it emerged that he had secretly taped a telephone
conversation with him.

At first, it was believed Paddick himself had leaked the story to the
BBC. But the commissioner now believes another senior officer was

Paddick's version was initially dismissed by the Met as "simply not
true". Paddick regarded this as tantamount to calling him a liar and
consulted his lawyers. When he threatened to take legal action, the
force issued a public apology. However, the damage was done and the
atmosphere of bitterness appears to have intensified.

But the final straw came last week, in a fresh row over a leaked
newspaper report. Sir Ian decided to act after remarks he had made to
senior officers last Friday were leaked.

The controversy began on Thursday when Sir Ian was reporting to a
meeting of his force's watchdog, the Metropolitan Police Authority, on
the controversial pre-dawn operation to remove anti-war protester
Brian Haw's placards from Parliament Square, outside the House of
Commons. Sir Ian told the authority that the task involved a 78
officers and cost UKP 7,200.

But at a meeting of his senior management team the following day, the
matter was discussed, and Sir Ian accepted that he misled authority
members about the cost. When details of these remarks were passed to
the media, the Met chief was forced to send an e-mail to authority
members saying the total figure, including officers' salaries, was in
fact four times higher at UKP 27,754.

In his e-mail, he denied any intention to mislead the authority, and
expressed disappointment that private remarks had been leaked to
journalists and indicated he would launch an inquiry to establish who
was to blame.

Paddick was among several high-ranking Met officers and officials who
attended the Friday meeting.

It is understood that Sir Ian confronted Paddick and said that he
believed he was responsible for the leaks. Despite Paddick strongly
denying the charge, the commissioner apparently did not believe him.

The outcome of this latest row appears to be Paddick's new post. The
low-profile job involves working on the Impact programme, one of the
key recommendations of the Bichard Inquiry into the intelligence
failings involved in the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in
Soham, Cambridgeshire.

But what will become of the man dubbed "Britain's most controversial
cop" and his boss?

Senior figures at the Met believe the future of the Sir Ian Blair is
precarious at the moment.

Sir Ian has vowed to fight his corner, but one senior officer recently
stated that he believed the commissioner had only a 20 per cent chance
of keeping his job until Christmas.

The crunch point for Sir Ian will be the publication of the Stockwell
reports. Early leaks suggest that no one is to be prosecuted for the
shooting and that Sir Ian will be cleared of lying.

But the report is understood to criticise the head of the Met for not
being better informed and questions whether some officers either knew
or suspected they had shot dead an innocent person in the hours
immediately after the incident.

Paddick, who was unavailable for comment yesterday, is understood to
be staying put for the time being, but has been exploring a change in

A friend of the senior officer said: "He believes that he was naive in
terms of not recognising earlier that he was running up against a
culture that still believes it is best to cover up things when they go
wrong, rather than being open and transparent. I think he will stick
it out for the time being."

On 27 November this year Paddick will have been in the police service
for 30 years and will be entitled to retire on a full pension. This
may be the moment he jumps jobs.

Friends say he is interested in becoming a working peer, and has
informal links with the Liberal Democrats, and the

But Paddick's "nuclear option", which must strike dread into the
hearts of many of his colleagues at Scotland Yard, is that he will
decide to write a book about his life in and out of the force - or
possibly even opt for a stint as a newspaper columnist.



Brian Paddick was born in 1958 in south London. He obtained a degree
from Oxford in politics, philosophy and economics. He also has a
diploma in applied criminology and police studies from Cambridge. He
was married to Mary Stone in 1983. They divorced in 1988.

1976 Joins the Metropolitan Police

1980 Becomes a sergeant at Brixton aged 22; on the front line during
the Brixton riots in 1981.

Promoted to CID manager at Notting Hill, organising policing of

1998 Made chief superintendent in the borough of Merton.

2001-2002 Borough commander of Lambeth. Pioneers a 'soft' approach to
cannabis use in the borough. David Blunkett, while Home Secretary,
credits Paddick's liberal policing methods as the inspiration for
downgrading cannabis from a class B to class C drug.

2002 Sidelined to an office job while inquiries are held into
allegations of cannabis use. He is cleared.

January 2004 Promoted to deputy assistant commissioner of the

July 2004 Fronts briefings on 7 July in the immediate wake of the
London bombings and meets with Stockwell community leaders after the
killing with Jean Charles de Menezes on 22 July.

June 2005 Launches inquiry into rape allegations across London as the
head of Operation Sapphire, the Met Police's sexual offences team, and
concludes that there must be a change in attitude among the public as
well as among senior members of the criminal justice team.

March 2006 It is revealed that Mr Paddick had testified to IPCC
inquiry into the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, reportedly
telling the inquiry that senior officers were aware that the 'wrong
man' had been killed within hours of the shooting.

Wednesday 31 May Shifted from his role in charge of Territorial
Policing to a 'less visible' role setting up a new information system,
a move instigated by Sir Ian Blair.
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